A Fresh New Start as an Online Educator in the New Year: Build Your Own Skillshare Virtual Educational Hub or Distance Learning Institution

6 min readJan 12, 2023


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The new year is always a great time to start anew especially with your teaching agenda as an online educator. After you’ve evaluated your last year’s progress and decided what you would like to incorporate or exclude for the upcoming year, you have a better sense of direction for where you need to focus and to plan accordingly.

With the online space providing the opportunity to expand globally, as an online educator you can deliver your education facilitation in a variety of formats year around 24/7 by becoming your own Skill Share educational hub or a distance learning institution. If you’re not familiar with Skill Share, it’s an online self-study environment that provides courses in several hundred categories.

As someone who has a background of over twenty years in the distance education arena, I know all too well the great benefits of facilitating in these formats. When I was in college, I worked in the distance learning department before online was a big thing. I used to send out the materials to our students and correspond with them by phone.

I’ve also had a lot of experience with being an online student with another college I was doing a second bachelors from and I still continue to use online education platforms like Skill Success and New Skills Academy to complete certifications and take courses to skill up and level up. Both of my children have also been a part of the online education environment as well.

I enjoy being an online educator, tutor and trainer. One of my favorite formats to leverage for greater impact and income is creating my own online training hub platforms. I also enjoy teaching other educators how to build their own version of Skill Share or other online formats like audio and/or digital products and publication-based style educational hubs that don’t involve their physical interaction unless they want to incorporate a support group.

One of the main reasons why this format works so well is because it allows an online educator to serve more people and meet the educational needs of others on different levels. Some students online will only need your digital courses or publications with no hands on, while others might want to have a Zoom or Facebook group facilitated experience. Leveraging both formats are great; however, creating the self-study digital product-based sites or membership site allows flexibility for students and buyers.

Another reason why this model works so well is because it allows you as an educator to teach and train from several different areas of your experience whether it be personal, professional, educational or spiritual and not just your primary area of expertise. You can bring all of your life’s mastery, hobbies and more to build a holistic educational environment. This demonstrates your educational and leadership authority in a holistic way that can open up the doors of opportunities for you on so many levels as a speaker, coach, trainer and more. If you’re an educator, you’re a leader and influencer.

I help several leaders create their online training hubs. Check out a leadership training hub of one of my protégés. https://www.ginagardinerassociates.co.uk

If you want to have a main educational focus and create a signature program for that initiative that’s fine. You could also create a product tier with other focuses and leverage those as electives or continued education considerations.

Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

When I teach this concept, I recommend using what I call the Triple T Authority Model: Teach, Train & Transition. Your educational premise should incorporate those three cornerstones. Though teaching and training seem synonymous, they are different but can be used interchangeably when facilitating. When you teach you are educating others on a core area, when you train, you’re showing them how to apply what they’ve been taught. The transition component is all about shifting them into the next level of the experience or exiting.

There are several different formats that can be leveraged for building your online learning hubs. I mostly recommend starting out with building self-reliant/serving product educational platforms that could potentially lead into other expanded educational opportunities.

I recommend creating digital products for courses using Zoom and upload them to Gumroad to sell. Self-publishing mini-books and mini courses on Kindle Direct Publishing and then showcasing them on a platform like Blogger/Blogspot. I have created over 1000 online educational platforms for different niche/industry focuses using platforms like Tumblr, Blogspot, LiveJournal and a few others.

Here are a few examples of my blog landing page publications and product-based training hubs platforms for different industries…

Multi-Niche Service Providers…

The Multiplicity-preneur WOW! Factor

Cross Industries Entrepreneurial Crossover Career Development Center

Multifaceted Dream Quest Coaching-preneurial Brand-casting Institute for New NOW High-End Success

Skillshare Style for Multi-Interest Learning

New Skills Level Up Playlists Palisades & More


YouTube Revenue Your Way: Customized Your Success

Get YouTube Done NOW! Intensives

Online Business…

The Ultimate Digital Business Enhancer Institute

Welcome to The New High-End Calling Inn

The Joy of Journal Life Coaching

Homeschooling Moms Writing Careers

Self-Care for Leaders…

Immersion Into True Self-Success for Leaders

The Soul Of Self Care Publications

The Working on Well-Being WOW! Factor


Creating Love Relationships Anew

Prioritize Your Parenting

Empaths & Highly Sensitives…

Accelerate Your Empathic Journey NOW

The Empathic Metamorphosis Journey: The Empathic Metamorphosis Journey

The Empowered Evolutionary Empathic Influencer-preneur’s New High-End Journey

Chakra Care…

New Colors New Dimensions Chakra Care

New NOW Energy Body Immersion

New NOW Color Therapy Chakra Care Central


The Write Spiritual Paths

So Church Is Over Now What?

So, as you can see, I love providing different levels of online education experiences. Whether you’re teaching children or adults at various levels for your primary focus or providing a holistic learning environment, creating your own self-serving distance education platforms or a Skillshare style membership website, it will be to your highest impact and income advantage in the new year.

If you want an opportunity to skill up and level up in this area, below I have different levels of opportunities from free to fee to help you get started. I hope that this article has served you well and given you some food for thought and encouragement to create your own educational economy in the new year. I would love to hear how this inspired you. I know that you have what it takes to create the best platforms for your students and more.

Explore & Consider…

Free Mini Course…Load & Launch Your Course with Ease on Gumroad: Create & Launch Your Mini-Course in 24hrs or Less

Load & Launch Your Course with Ease on Gumroad: Create & Launch Your Mini-Course Bundle in 24 to 48hrs with Repurposed Content

Load & Launch Your Course with Ease on Gumroad: Discover Your Multiplicity-preneurial Advantage by Creating Your Own Skill Share Style Training Hub

Teach, Train & Transition: A Basic Intro to Creating Online Leader-preneurial Development Centers Mini Conversational Info Training

If you would like to learn more about my upcoming online trainings, mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email… wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com

Follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and join on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow.




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com