Allow Yourself to Arrive at Your Desired Destination So that the Next Level of the Journey Can Begin

3 min readAug 15, 2022


Photo by Anuj Yadav on Unsplash

It’s often said; that we should focus on the journey and not the destination. Though that is true for the most part; however, there are times when you actually need to be DESTINATION FOCUSED but with a shift in perspective around arrival points.

There’s no better time than the present to align your focus to be on the destination but look at the destination as a jump-off point for the new adventure. The arrival at a certain destination as it relates to achieving a goal or a dream represents the next phase of the journey (which is ongoing).

During this time, if you get so caught up in this phase of your current journey, you will miss the higher advantage of expansion that’s ensuing.

You must arrive at some point in order to start the next phase. So please keep in mind that the arrival at the destination is also a required part of the journey experience.

Right now, several of you could be blocking your breakthroughs because metaphorically you simply won’t allow your train to arrive at the station or allow your plane to land at the airport. You keep trying to gain more from the current journey and basking in the joy of the journey that you’re not allowing the evolution of the journey to now give birth to the manifestation.

If you’ve purchased a ticket to go somewhere then you must allow yourself to finally arrive at that destination to experience the next phase of the journey.

It might not be popular to focus on the destination; however, as mentioned previously, during this time, you need to ARRIVE just enough for the next phase to materialize. So, stop overworking, just take the time to BE and allow yourself to ARRIVE in the NOW.

Allow the NOW to be the destination and give yourself permission to realize that you’ve ARRIVED at a certain level of success within yourself and it’s time to explore, embark on and enjoy the destination. Again, keep in mind that this arrival/achievement point is just a new part of the experience that you need in order to expand into the next phase of the journey.

Three Destination-Focused Quotes to Inspire You…

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ~Jimmy Dean

“When you lost sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart (Allen Walker, D-gray Man)” ~Katsura Hoshino

“When you establish a destination by defining what you want, then take physical action by making choices that move you towards that destination, the possibility for success is limitless and arrival at the destination is inevitable.” ~Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Now it’s time to Allow, Arrive & Adjust in order to fully maximize your destination experience. Keep in mind that this starts a new level of the journey.

So, ask yourself…

  • How will I Allow myself to arrive?
  • Now that I’ve Arrived, in what ways can I allow myself to fully be present and maximize this experience?
  • What Adjustments are required?

Taking the time out to answer these questions will be extremely beneficial for your forward momentum. I encourage you to reflect on the content of this article and enhance your experience as you allow this destination part of the new journey to unfold.

You will be amazed at how this process expands you into a realm of infinite possibilities as you leverage the power of the present to be fully engaged and immersed in the destination experience as you give birth to the next level of your journey. Again, make it a priority to review and reflect on this article so that you gain the maximum benefit of allowing the unimaginable to occur.

Review & Reflection…

So, how did this article make you feel?

Are you inspired to maximize the full potential of this experience?

Do you feel as if you have arrived enough at a destination to allow the new part of the journey to unfold?

I would love to hear how this article impacted you. I invite you into other parts of my multiverse on several social media platforms by joining me on

