Are You Part of the BIGGERING Society? Lessons from the Lorax

4 min readAug 1, 2023


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash


As you move up in life and in your career, do you believe having more things, more activities or more money is what truly makes you successful?

Most, feel that they need more and that their life should get BIGGER in order to be better. We’ve been conditioned to think in a BIGGERING mindset.

If you’re not familiar with the term BIGGERING, it was a song that was cut from the movie (Dr. Seuss’s) the Lorax in the 2012 remake and was replaced with “How Bad Can I Be?”. You can listen to the song here…Biggering Demo — Lyrics — YouTube, I’ve included the lyrics in another part of this article.

One of the main characters called the Once-Ler was an inventor that finally struck big with success after countless failures. He went from having a simple life to believing that he needed more as his business thrived.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring to have better especially when your hard work affords you to do so. However, one must be mindful of how they go about creating a larger life. If it’s being done just so that you can keep up with the Joneses or feel like you fit in to a society that conditions you to feel like you’re somebody the more you have, then your bigger life might cause you more pain. You just might find out HOW BAD CAN YOU BE!

Below are the lyrics to the song BIGGERING that shares the dialog between the Once-Ler and the Lorax. You will be able to see just how easy it is to get caught up in a survival of the fittest world and the drive for greed that leads to wanting a BIGGER life.

Read & Dissect the Lyrics…



The Once-Ler:

At first, I didn’t realize I needed all this stuff

I had a little cottage and that cottage was enough

A place where I could sit and knit

A place where I could sell my thneeds

But now I’ve had a little time to reassess my needs

And I need a bigger office

I need a bigger chair

A bigger desk

A bigger staff

A bigger hat to wear!

Because I’m Biggering!

(Yes, Biggering!)

I’m figuring on Biggering!

And Biggering is triggering

More Biggering!

The Lorax:

Hey listen up meathead!

I’m a say this once and I’m not gonna repeat it

Greed, see, it’s like a little pet, all right?

And the more and more and more that you go and feed it

The more hungry it’ll get

But, you know, you really can’t blame greed

Naw that’s stupid

You see, it’s got a worm inside

Oh yeah that’s right

That’s one that always needs to feed

And it is never satisfied

You get it?

But the more you try to find it

The more it likes to hide

Now listen

That is a nasty little worm

I like to call it pride!

See now that’s why you’re Biggering!

Listen here idiot!

And figuring on Biggering!

But that Biggering’s just triggering more biggering!

Got that?

All right!

The Once-Ler:

There is a principle of nature that most every creature knows

It’s called survival of the fittest, and this is how it goes

The animal that wins has got to claw and bite and kick and punch

The animal that doesn’t winds up someone else’s lunch

A company’s an animal that’s trying to survive

It’s struggling and fighting just to keep itself alive

I must keep Biggering!

I’m figuring on Biggering!

Though Biggering is triggering

More Biggering!

I won’t stop Biggering!

I’m figuring on Biggering!

And Biggering is triggering more Biggering!

With the customers all buying

And the money multiplying

And the PR people lying

And the lawyers all denying

Who cares if some things are dying?

I don’t want to hear your crying

This is all so gratifying!

So, now that you’ve read the lyrics, do you see how one can easily get caught up in thinking that they need a BIGGER life? We each have Lorax in our world or our reasoning mind that tries to steer us in the right direction, but often that voice is drowned out by the need/want for more.

Where do you fit in this scenario?

Are you the Once-Ler or the Lorax?

As mentioned previously, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with desiring better. However, balance, discipline and understanding what’s most important is key. If BIGGER doesn’t make you better and can cause you to fall out of alignment or sell your soul, then it’s not worth it.

You can have it all, but it comes with paying the price of developing good character that help you be a good steward of what you have/gain.

I hope this article provided some perspective about how people can easily get caught up in the BIGGERING cycle but also how the wisdom from the Lorax can help set you on the right track of thinking.

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