As a Writer, There Will Be Times When You Won’t Feel Like Writing. Write Anyway!

4 min readMay 8, 2023


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

As a writer, there are going to be those days and seasons in your life where you simply just don’t feel like writing. This is a natural part of a writer’s continued evolution.

There are times when you need to give pause, but there are also times when you need to keep writing even though you don’t feel like it.

So, what do you do when you’re in a phase where you don’t feel like writing, but you know you still need to write?

Try taking a different approach to your writing agenda. Often our regular routines and rituals that have rewarded us in the past might be actually ruining our creative genius that wants to be expressed in new ways.

Several years ago, I published two works for this topic…

Don’t Feel Like Writing? Write Anyway: How to Simplify Your Writing & Publishing Efforts Made Easy (Journal Planner)

Don’t Feel Like Blogging? Blog Anyway: (Intentional Blogging Journal Planner)

My goal with these publications was to create the sacred space that invites writers during their writer’s block moments to explore ways to shift and take new approaches towards their success.

As an author-preneur and publishing-preneur of over 300 works on Amazon for different industries, several magazine contributions, over 1000 articles and host of over 500 blogs landing page platforms, I know a thing or two about knowing when to pause and when to press forward during the times when you just don’t feel it.

I encourage writers to write about their experience of feeling stuck or being unmotivated to write in order to move the energy. After, I invite them to write for a completely different industry focus or something that they are passionate about. Sometimes a subtle shift can be significant and open up the space for new innovative ideas and creative flow that leads to expansion of all kinds.

If you’re not feeling like writing during this time, consider asking yourself the following questions…

  • What’s causing me to feel unmotivated to write in the present?
  • How is this writing standstill serving me?
  • What new creative potential wants to come forth for my writing during this time?
  • What are the benefits of my writer’s block?
  • What am I’m most grateful for about this experience?

After asking these questions, consider going back over the process again to see of more clarity and insights emerge. I normally recommend writers to repeat this process three times.

As mentioned previously, still continue to write even if it’s in short-form content format. If you’re not using platforms like Tumblr or Blogspot (Blogger), consider creating a random thought blog, tips blog, or passion blogs in addition to your main blog. The great thing about these platforms is that they allow you to host several sub-blogs under one account. You don’t have to promote these blogs or even blog on them consistently, just allow them to be your new creative space of exploration as you move the energy forward with writing in new ways.

As mentioned previously, consider writing for a niche or industry outside of your main focus. Look at how your current writings might serve a new market. Also, consider transforming some of your content into audios, publications and more. Maybe it’s time to like bigger than just writing. Explore podcasting, speaking, coaching or consulting from your works if you’re not already doing so. This will give you more to write about.

So, after reading this article…

What feels most inspiring to do?

What feels like the “Write” path to pursue?

What’s calling you NOW?

Take time to go back through this article several times. I would love to hear how this serves you.

If you would like to explore a few of my publications, products and platforms for writing, publishing and blogging, click the titles below…


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