Becoming One with Time: Knowing When to Collapse Traditional Time Structures, Shift Timelines & More for Life & Business

6 min readJun 23, 2023


Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

In my multi-trajectory work, I use several evolutionary processes for time structures. I facilitate in non-new age, non-esoteric, non-traditional quantum physics formats for time collapsing, timeline shifting/integration and inner-time travel for multi-trajectory empathic entrepreneurs.

Our relationship with TIME is just as vital as our relationship with life itself. We’ve been conditioned to be under the illusion of linear time. Though this structure has worked for centuries, in the new human experience, those time structures are breaking down into individualized nonlinear frameworks.

In life and business, our timelines operate on multidimensional trajectories (again, in a non-new age manner and more in a practical way).

One of the examples that I use in coaching is being able to pull up your Facebook profile in three tabs. Each tab operates on a different timetable even though they’re open at the same time. They didn’t actually open at the same time though. You had to do them one by one so each would be a few seconds off. If you were to look at the same post on someone else’s timeline in those three tabs, you would see that one wouldn’t have the same activity until it synced up.

We operate on trajectory timetables like that in life and business. At any given moment, we have three primary trajectories that standout over all other timeline possibilities. These trajectories are windows of options and opportunities of the same scenario, just happening simultaneously. Once we align and choose the trajectory we want to sync up with, we can engage that timeline and create a reality integration. Learn more in my resource Shifting Business Timelines & Leveling Up for a New High-End Profits Trajectory Mini Info Seminar.

Believe it or not, lack of awareness in this area causes a lot of missed opportunities. This is why people post for business at the wrong times and get little to no results or they miss divine rendezvous in life because they don’t have a relationship with not only time but their own timelines.

This is why we have to become one with time so that we have a solid relationship with life itself through our timeline trajectory advantage.

It’s important to know when you need to collapse the linear format of time in order to shift to another possible timeline in a practical way or when you should integrate an experience that happened in a nonlinear format.

In life and business, you need to know the difference between divine timing, seed-time-and-harvest and time itself being one cohesive multi-trajectory experience.

A lot to Take In, I Know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just imagine that you are TIME ITSELF and that you are in tuned with the harmonization of your multi-trajectory timeline continuum.

  • How do you feel?
  • What are you noticing or sensing about being TIME/TIMELESS?
  • What does this mean for your life and business agenda?
  • What aspect of time are you feeling guided to leverage or be more aware of?
  • Do you feel like you need to take a time leap and collapse time to experience what you’ve been longing for in life and business?
  • Do you feel like a certain area isn’t quite ripe and will unfold in another timeline frame?

There are several aspects of time to consider; however, you must discover which area of the time you should start relationship building with. My recommendation is that you start with respecting and honor time even in the traditional formats. Learn to be on time so that you respect and honor others and be a good time steward in life and business. If you can’t master the basics in the practical sense, you won’t be able to embody yourself as TIME.

This is such a layered subject and I love working with timelines and trajectory solidifications. I really enjoy the inner-dimensional aspect of trajectory healing and wholeness. My training intensive product, Are You a Multi-Trajectory Evolutionary Empath? The “Write” Way to Discover Your Inner-Dimensional Total-Self Help Wholeness Factor for Health, Wealth, Multi-mission Purpose & More, provides the basic fundamentals and more for learning how to integrate the WHOLE of who you are for life and purpose with power of intentional journaling and inner work. You can learn more about my Multi-Trajectory purpose here…The Multi-Trajectory ME!.

Some of you might be wondering if this works for non-empaths. It certainly does, and I do work with non-empaths in this area. To be honest, most people are empaths and just don’t know it and will find that this journey of multi-trajectory work helps them discover their empathic super-power potential for life and career in a much more expansive and evolutionary way. Over the next decade 85 percent of the world will become empathic as a new world emerges. We will be having a new human experience that consists of new lifestyle and career formats. We will be operating in multidimensional manners. Learn more in my resource Are You a Multi-Trajectory-elite?: A Basic Introduction to Exploring Your Multidimensional Essence & Discovering Your Multi-Mission Life Purpose Mini Masterclass.

My work, Multi-Trajectory Timelines Express, uses a simplistic and fun inner time travel train ride adventure to explore the multi-levels of one’s experiences of different inner timelines and then create life and business anew from the integration of relevant data from the journey.

I also do a Trajectory Trinity process where I work with the primary timelines in a very practical way for goal setting and possibility projections, for designing one’s next level.

My training product, All Timelines Matter: A Basic Introduction to Life Trajectory Wholeness & Success Mini-Info-Masterclass, helps others learn and explore…

  • Why life trajectory wholeness is vital to your overall well-being
  • The meaning of your past lives isn’t what you think
  • How to use your timelines in a practical non-esoteric way or quantum physics way to achieve wholeness and success
  • How to establish a relationship with your multi-trajectory selves/timelines
  • How to create a cohesive life trajectory wholeness and success template and plan for this phase
  • And More…

My training product, A Basic Introduction to Healing Financial Timelines & Achieving Financial Wholeness Mini Masterclass, helps individuals learn and explore…

  • The importance of timeline healing from a non-esoteric vantage point around your finances
  • How your past, present, and future financial trajectories are impacted by unresolved issues
  • How to heal your money wounds
  • How to integrate new financial awareness from your inner time travel explorations
  • Reset your financial world anew
  • And more

Also, explore…

Shifting Business Timelines & Leveling Up for a New High-End Profits Trajectory Mini Info Seminar

In a little over 42 minutes, you will learn and explore…

  • The basics of how business timeline shifting works on a practical level
  • How to expand into a new high-end awareness for your profitable trajectory and the actions that you need to take.
  • How to understand and navigate multiple business timelines and profit paths
  • Business Timeline Shifting Exercise/Activation
  • And more

The overall goal of this article was to make you aware that having a relationship with time is vital for achieving the NOW & NEXT levels of completion and fulfillment.

An Invitation to Implementation

Be intentional about establishing a LOVE relationship with TIME and your timelines so that you can solidify the best trajectory shifts ever.

I hope that you found this article beneficial. I would love to hear your take-a-ways below. I’m wishing you the absolute best.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

