Build Your Residual Revenue Generating Video-Communications-preneurship Empire with YouTube, Rumble & More

5 min readSep 30, 2022


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Building a video-communications-preneurial empire is no easy feat by a long shot; however, I must say that it doesn’t have to be a hard process. Even though it doesn’t have to be hard, most go down the long road of overcomplicating what could be really simple. Sometimes this isn’t their fault. Often, certain so-called gurus in the video marketing industry make the process harder for emerging and even seasoned video content makers.

Gurus mainly have their followers focusing on the wrong aspects of building a video-based empire like growing a following first on YouTube versus actually learning how to build an actual business with a master plan to lay a solid foundation before you post videos or gain subscribers. I focus on building YouTube-preneurs vs just a YouTuber (Trust me there’s a big difference). I talk/teach on this in my master class Figures to Followers: Prioritizing Purposeful Profits Over Popularity on YouTube to Create the Win-Win for You, Your Audience & More.

Instead of focusing on being a video marketer, the focus should be on the entrepreneurial side which automatically involves the consistent marketing communications component that no one in business can get around. I’m not just talking about traditional entrepreneurship; this is more from a higher-level communications vantage point. I’ve coined the term that combines both elements and called it video-communications-preneurship.

As the founder, creator and facilitator of my main signature work called The WOWTUBE-PRENEUR FACTOR EVOLUTION, my core focus has been on teaching through masterminds and publications on the basics of powerfully and profitably positioning yourself as a video communications authority to broadcast one’s WOW Effect as a YOUTUBE-PRENEUR for New High-End impact and income.

Nowadays, it’s not enough just to have a traditional video presence or agenda on platforms like YouTube & Vimeo with a niche focus. I would even go as far as to say that it’s not enough just to have the WOW Factor happening in your brand or business, in this new era you must bring forth the EVOLUTION of the WOW Factor as both a brand and empire expression. This is what I teach in another one of my “signature” works called YouTubenaire Metamorphosis where I take others through a process of Metamorphosizing, Evolutionizing & Optimizing their success not only as a SOARING BUTTERFLY BRAND & EMPIRE, but also as one that goes on to SOAR like an EAGLE -ECONOMICS-PRENEUR and then ultimately becomes an illuminate PROFITABLE-PHOENIX-PRENUER that SOARS in a millionaire, multimillionaire or even billionaire and beyond format.

Ultimately, you want to set yourself up for both impact and income so it’s best to go through a metamorphosis from the start than to spend your time inching along like a caterpillar and getting caterpillar results.

Photo by Mackenzie Marco on Unsplash

Again, having the right foundational focus is vital for one’s short, mid and long-term success. So, if you want to build an effective residual revenue- generating video empire, you must focus on being a COMMUNICATIONS-PRENEUR or better yet, a VIDEO-MARKETING-COMMUNICATIONS-PRENEUR on every level. Meaning your speaking and writing and way of BEING-NESS must all work together in order for your video empire to bring forth the evolution of your WOW Factor.

While most focus on YouTube for building their successful brand and video empire (which of course, I’m very much in favor of with having a YouTube Empire with multiple channels), I would like to introduce you to the platform Rumble if you’re not familiar with it. Most say that Rumble is a great YouTube alternative for video makers; however, I believe leveraging both of these platforms enhances your overall video-preneurial advantage. I’ve added Rumble as part of my next level agenda to serve as an extension of my YouTube empire and I’ve been encouraging others that I teach to explore how Rumble can enhance their business and why they should consider it.

I’ve included articles for you to read about Rumble reaching a new milestone and an article for you to learn a little bit more about Rumble and why this platform is not only a contender in this next level of video-preneurship, but also why it can complement what you do in your YouTube-preneurship.

Rumble — The Online Video Platform High Growth in 2022

Rumble vs YouTube (Complete Comparison) — New Blogger Zone

I hope these articles provided a jump-start perspective for why it might be to your advantage as a YouTube-preneur to also leverage Rumble as a part of your impact and income initiative.

There’s so much more you can do with your video-communications-preneurial empire when you leverage the right compatible components together that can be companions and not competition. But of course, as emphasized previously, having the right platforms and even a WOW Factor isn’t going to be enough; COMMUNICATIONS is going to be the KEY that not only cranks up your video-preneurial vehicle, but it will be both the fuel and engine that makes the vehicle MOVE FORWARD. So, spend time becoming an effective communicator through your speaking, writing and being-ness as an authority who can make a strong connection to their audience with both accurate and affluent communication styles to serve at the highest level.

If you can’t consistently MOVE the CROWD with your communications, you can’t REACH your impact or revenue goals. A video-communications-based empire that’s built the right way can set you up for continual residual revenue success as you serve others in a much more expansive way using YouTube, Rumble and/or other video sharing platforms.

One of my greatest passions for teaching and training is in the area of multilevel communications metamorphosis for brands and businesses. I have a background in both marketing and media communications, radio and television broadcasting, journalism marketing, and I have published over 300 works on Amazon that serve several niche markets. I’ve built several media communications-based empires with over 1000 online platforms that serve a variety of industries. I would love to support you in your emerging endeavors.

I hope this article and the ones included were extremely beneficial. I would love to hear how this served you. If you’re interested in learning more about revenue generation with YouTube, visit/explore…YouTube Revenue Your Way Institute of Customized Success

Want to learn a unique and uncommon way to successfully market your YouTube channel and more?

Explore/Consider this entry-level signature product of mine…

The YouTube Underground Railroad Marketing Advantage for Obscured Brands: Learn How to Align, Find & Lead Your Tribe to Your Liberation Solution Station & More Mini Conversational Training with AliNICOLE WOW! & Gina Gardiner

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

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