Communing with Your Chakra’s Anew for Well-Being, Spiritual Wholeness, Soul Evolution & More

6 min readOct 16, 2022


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Health and spirituality are very much connected, and both areas often work together like a hand and glove in order to bring holistic success and optimal well-being to one’s life. In the Bible and other spiritual texts, we learn about the many stories of health-related issues that went from case-to-cured miracles or healing journeys that were tied to spiritual wholeness.

You can read more on that topic in my article Communing with Wholeness: Making the Time to Connect with Your Inner Core Truth as a Spiritual Being. You can also learn more about my primary wellness roles here…Meet…AliNICOLE WOW! The “Ultimate” Multi-Functional Wellness-preneur Authority.

In this article, I will be providing an entry-level awareness of a practice for communing with your Chakras in a new way for well-being, spiritual wholeness and more.

As a certified Professional Body Healing Coach, Professional Spirituality Wholeness Coach and Professional Chakra & Body Energy Healer, I know all too well the power, benefits and impact that the energy body and the chakra system have on your well-being, spiritual wholeness and soul evolution.

The traditional teachings of the chakras lay the foundations which keep the chakra knowledge confined to static concepts of understanding. Though the teachings provided a great premise and introduction, the evolution of those concepts are what’s needed in this new world.

Your Chakras have different dimensions of consciousness, wisdom and potential for achieving your highest well-being, wholeness and more. My primary role in this area for serving others is facilitating as a New NOW Multidimensional Chakra Decoder/Recoder and New Ascended Anatomy Authority.

I teach on the subject of the energy body and chakras from a non-new age framework. Though the chakra system originally isn’t related to a religion or spiritual group, I still make the distinctions about my foundations and perspectives because unfortunately, the common connection with chakra related work is normally categorized under the new age spirituality. And the ignorance of this limitation in seeing it only in that framework is costing people their very lives, optimum well-being, spiritual wholeness and even soul evolution.

The Bible states “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children” (Hosea 4:6).

Generations are perishing from health problems, karmic backlash, spiritual death and more because of not knowing or even worse not trying to know about the importance of the energy body and chakra system as it relates to the holistic success of one’s human and spiritual experience.

And even though the foundations around the energy body are still relevant to know, as mentioned previously, even that level which most still teach on is no longer going to be enough for the new levels of what’s happening with the body’s evolution for a New NOW human and spiritual experience.

The reason why most still teach from this premise is because they too lack the knowledge of the Born Anew Chakra Metamorphosis Fundamentals awareness that I teach which provides new foundations, new formations and new functionalities within each new dimension.

So, I would like to introduce a simple and subtle way of connecting with your chakras through conscious communing, but before doing so, I will provide a website link with the basic premise of the traditional chakra system. If you’re not familiar with the energy body, the seven main chakras or need a refresher, please read this article before moving forward. What Are Chakras? Meaning, Location, and How to Unblock Them (

Ready to Move Forward?

The importance of communing in this new way helps to reset your entire energy system. The art of communing is all about being present, being intentional and most of all open to greater expansion in a holistic way.

If you would like to experience a form a communing with wholeness in general before exploring the three levels, I invite you to listen to my rendering You Are Sourced to Be Whole Activation: Wholeness Vs Healing for SOURCED-FULL Well-being-ness & More

The next phase of this article will be a time of communing in a new way within the fourth dimension of your chakras. Please drink some water before and after this experience.

Three Core Levels for Communing with Your Chakras Anew…

  • Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Consciousness
  • Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Well-being-ness
  • Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Wholeness for Spirituality & Your Soul’s Evolutionary Purpose & Beyond


Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Consciousness: Provides the expanded awareness for higher wisdom and insights about what you most need to know in the present for your quality of livelihood.

Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Well-being-ness: Provides the expanded awareness for deeper knowledge about your total well-being template for your ultimate chakra care for this phase and how they will support your next levels.

Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Wholeness for Spirituality & Your Soul’s Evolutionary Purpose & Beyond: Provides information from your unique encoding to the Higher Source connection to all that is. Within this chamber, you will have the opportunity to gain wisdom, insights and expanded revelation about your ultimate wholeness template, your spiritual alignment that leads you to the higher wisdom portal of your soul’s evolutionary purpose trajectory for this life phase and beyond to the emerging future.

Let’s Begin…

Take a nice deep breath and focus your awareness on the color spectrum of the rainbow in a flower format that comes to mind. This is your time to blossom and flourish with the new awareness of this experience.

It’s time to Blossom Anew with Chakra Wholeness Care…

Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

We are going to be present and enter into the expanded awareness of the fourth dimension of your chakras for communing purposes. I invite you to spend at least five to seven minutes or longer per chakra at each level. Be sure to take deep breaths throughout the experience. Have note-taking materials available to write down the wisdom and insights that you gain. This is a very simplistic process of just being quiet, intentional and present with each of the seven main chakras as you focus on this new dimension using whatever flower comes into your awareness.

  • Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Consciousness (5 to 7 minutes or longer per chakra)
  • Communing Anew with 4th Dimensional Chakra Well-being-ness (5 to 7 minutes or longer per chakra)
  • Communing Anew 4th Dimensional Chakra Wholeness for Spirituality & Your Soul’s Evolutionary Purpose & Beyond (5 to 7 minutes or longer per chakra)

So, how was that first experience?

What new wisdom, insights or revelations came up for you?

I would love to hear about your experience and how this article served you in any way.

If you would like to continue this journey with Chakra Wholeness Care, consider exploring a few of my platforms, Gumroad courses and more below…

New NOW Energy Body Baptism Immersion Experience

Experiencing the Chakras Anew Podcast Series & More

New Colors New Dimensions Chakra Care

Encountering the Chakras Anew: 3-Part Mini Intensive Training for Awakening & Healing the Chakras in New Dimensions

The Superior SOURCE Sound Therapy & New Dimensional Chakra Care Activations

Explore… The Ultimate Lifestyle Well-Being Enhancer to learn more about creating your Lifestyle by Divine Design as a Wholeness Architect.

Again, I hope that this experience and article was valuable to your well-being and wholeness journey. I invite you into other parts of my multiverse on several social media platforms by joining me on…

