Creating Courses & More on Gumroad Allows Multi Niche-preneurial Focused Content Creators to Achieve Their Impact & Income Goals with Ease, Support & Success

4 min readOct 16, 2022


Photo by Surface on Unsplash

One of the ways to accomplish your goals for serving several niche markets and create the win-win for your audience and your impact and income goals is to use platforms like Gumroad.

Gumroad is one of the most simplified online course creator and community development platforms to hit the internet. They’ve been around for a little over a decade and for most have felt like it's been one of the best well-kept secrets. However, once discovered, it is an answered prayer for many and especially those who love to diversify their offerings to serve more than one industry.

Several content creators here on Medium leverage Gumroad and find it very beneficial. In fact, being on Medium is what led me to starting my Gumroad experience and I have enjoyed every moment of the experience so far and recommended it to others whom I serve and work with. They too are enjoying the experience.

Gumroad has become a part of a more expanded training that I teach. In less than two months of using Gumroad, I’ve uploaded over forty courses that serve a variety of niches and I’m looking forward to taking the next steps to build a community, start a newsletter, do more blogging and leveraging the platform to my highest advantage in multiple ways to serve my core audiences of interest at the highest levels while expanding my impact and income agenda.

What I Love About the Gumroad Experience…

  • I love the fact that uploading content can be done with ease.
  • I love the support that’s provided through various mediums whether by helpful blog posts, email correspondence and more.
  • I love the purpose, potential and possibilities it provides for achieving high levels of success with a variety of options for multi-niche content creators.

As an industry crossover brand, multi-mission-preneur, creator of over 1000 multi-niche online platforms and author of more than 300 publications on Amazon for different industries, discovering Gumroad enhanced my multiplicity-preneurial journey even more and I’ve got well over a decade in this type of work.

So, if you are a multi-interest-focused entrepreneur, I encourage you to explore Gumroad and take your impact and income agendas to the next level. I’m excited to launch my new course and multi-level mastermind soon called The Multifaceted Leader-preneur’s Ultimate Trinity of Revenue Success with YouTube, Medium & Gumroad. I’ll be sharing more about that opportunity in an upcoming article.

One of the best ways to get started with ease on Gumroad as a multi-niche content creator is to focus on uploading content that’s in the five key areas of life’s core essentials.

These core essentials in categories are…

  • Health/Wellness/Beauty
  • Lifestyle/Recreation/Management
  • Spirituality/Wholeness/Religion
  • Education/Career/Business
  • Finance/Wealth/Money Goals

These are primary niches that most will be interested in because they pertain to practically everyone’s life. When you can create a one-stop-shop of the essentials and provide a holistic experience for the average person in addition to your core audiences, you will create the win-win for yourself and all who enter into your marketplace initiatives.

Again, focus on providing something in at least three if not all five areas. I would encourage you to provide mini-style entry-level offerings at both the free and paid level. If you need help with creating a customized action plan, please reach out to

I hope this article inspires you to get started on Gumroad or if you’re already using this platform to consider taking your impact and income goals to the next levels by providing offerings for the five essential areas in addition to your primary industry focuses.

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If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse on

