Digitally Detoxing Your Life Your Way: Customize Your Own Social Media Break & Life Decluttering Process

5 min readAug 17, 2022


Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash

Doing a digital life detox often is vital to one’s overall well-being. We should be incorporating this practice regularly to ensure balance. Since the digital world is such a HUGE part of our modern lives that takes up most of our time even when it’s required for us to be online for business, education and more, it’s critical to take time out to be intentional about our NOW & NEXT LEVEL life care.

This is where detoxing, decluttering our lives and taking a social media break can be most empowering.

As I’m preparing to take another social media break from certain platforms in addition to doing a semi digital detox, I wanted to share a few strategies that I’ve leveraged in the past as well as ones I will be incorporating during my PAUSE.

I take regular social media hiatuses and sabbaticals from certain platforms as part of my leadership example for self-care, self-discipline and more. Over the years, I’ve leveraged several methods for successfully staying off the platforms during my time of REST.

I’m normally never completely off of social media because of business; however, I do a pretty good job with not engaging on the platform(s) that needs a PAUSE.

When I coach others in this area, I help them to Prepare for the Profitable PAUSE. Preparation and planning are KEY, and they serve as a CURRENCY generator in a very miraculous way. Your time and activities are considered currency and often when you’ve spent time cultivating the garden of social media, you need to allow the ground to rest. The time of REST/PAUSE can give you the opportunity to reset and renew on so many levels.

This process also allows you to do a digital detox not only on social media, but also pausing on the overuse of devices. This gives you time to enjoy the benefits of detoxing, decluttering and deconstructing to reconstructing your life anew in the areas where its much needed.

One core aspect about this experience that serves others at the highest levels is when they can customize the PAUSE on their own terms. There’s no one-size-fits-all social media break, digital detox or life decluttering success formula.

Sure, there are several great suggestions online and books about this topic and I do encourage others to explore and find what resonates with them to fit into their plan without feeling like they have to follow someone else’s way.

You don’t have go completely cold-turkey or stay off social media or your digital devices during this time. For some it might be cutting back and spending less time online, while for others it could be taking at least a day or two off of the devices or simply doing what feels best for leaning into taking a break from social media for a few days.

When I want to take time away for a few days, weeks or longer on a platform, I pre-schedule my content to post in my absence. Yes, there are times when I have to go on the platform to make sure that my content posted; however, it’s not the same as going on in my regular format.

I also like to schedule my business and/or clients calls ahead of time so that I’m not having to facilitate anything on my digital detox days.

To maximize my experience, I often will prepare my environment, family and activities for the best outcomes. Sometimes that looks like house cleaning, meal preps, bringing the family together for fellowship to plan for success and so much more that will serve the greater good of this PAUSE.

A Few Activities to Consider While Digital Detoxing…

  • Do an actual body detox cleanse with herbal teas, extracts and fresh fruits, veggies and/or lean meats
  • Revisit the old fashion way of listening to CDs in a player vs in a digital device that requires Wi-FI or use of your tablet, computer or laptop
  • Getting out in nature to read a physical book versus a digital e-book
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

A Few Activities to Replace Your Social Media Activities During the PAUSE

  • Call people on the phone vs FaceTime, Zoom or all other online forms of communications
  • Write actual letters or send post cards vs sending emails
  • Exercise with DVDs instead of YouTube Videos (Yes, I know that’s still using a device that can connect you to the online world; however, this provides a different experience of intent) or you could memorize an exercise routine to use before you PAUSE.
Photo by Ty Feague on Unsplash

A Few Ares to Consider Decluttering During the Break

Declutter or organize your…

  • Email on your non-digital detox days
  • Emotional/Mental State
  • Certain areas in your home or life as a whole
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

When applying these core fundamentals, you will set yourself up for success.

So, what does your customized digital detox, social media break and/or life decluttering experience look like?

What are your top areas of priority for this initiative?

What do you feel will bring you the maximum benefits?

Take time out to explore, prepare and plan your success accordingly.

I’m here if you need assistance with planning your success in this area. I’m the creator of The Power of the Profitable Social Media Pause, The Digital Detox Disruptor Retreats and platforms The Soul of Self-Care, Harmonized, Simplified & Organized, Clean & Clutter-Free Living & Welcome to Harmony Garden Inn

If you would like to learn more about becoming a coach in these areas, please consider the following products…

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Digital Detox & Social Media Sabbatical Planning Coach Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Self-Care & Soul-Care Coach Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Chaos to Clutter-Free Coach Micro Training

I would love to hear how this article has served you. If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

Wishing You All the Best with Your Digital Detox!!!!!!!!!!!!

