Do You Ever Feel Like You Need to Take a Break from Medium?

3 min readApr 29, 2023


Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Medium has become one of my favorite platforms to publish content on. I really enjoy the energy of the experience and the level of true authentic engagement from others.

I’ve published a great number of articles on many topics, and I’ve learned so much about other areas just by participating. Even though I enjoy sharing and being a part of this platform, there are times when I give pause on publishing, let the space breathe, and just allow my other articles (blog posts) to be the gifts that keep on giving to add value to others.

I don’t ever get tired of publishing on Medium, I just believe that there are times when we need to create space, shift gears and don’t allow our routine of publishing to become an autopilot type of default that causes us to lack the awareness of something greater that’s trying to get our attention for being here.

Every now and again, I give pause for about a month or so, and allow what I’ve already created to be leveraged in multiple ways. It’s amazing to see how several articles continue to get high-level attention and make an impact on others. After all, isn’t that why we publish on Medium?

Of course, we want to creatively express ourselves; however, I believe most of us are showing up on this platform to make a difference for others and to do something worthwhile.

I leverage Medium for various reasons. Indeed, I’m here to make an impact on others, but I also leverage it for business. I also decided to use Medium as my Virtual Media Tour Captial for social media. Virtual media tours have been a huge part of my business for over a decade, but I made the decision last year that I wanted my Medium-preneurship agenda to focus on being my one-stop-media tour-press-stop for showcasing the whole of my social media presence during media tour seasons.

This means that I’m not having to constantly publish on Medium just for the sake of publishing because I’m more intentional about maximizing my time for impact and income. I can provide a media tour article/blog series every month or every quarter and either pre-schedule them to post during the months I’m not writing or very active on the platform. Or I could just publish the series at the beginning of the month. With this format, I never have to reach a point where I don’t want to write.

This format keeps me out of possible burn out or writer’s block. I can come up with a few core themes to publish about for that media tour and allow the articles to serve as lessons for the semester as if Medium operated on a University model.

So, if you ever find yourself getting tired of publishing on Medium, consider,

  • Giving pause to reset
  • Leveraging what you already have on other social media platforms or share articles on your main blog
  • Trying a different format(s) of writing

I hope this writing provided food-for-thought and inspires you to rethink your Medium experience if you feel the need for something new. If you would like to learn more about Virtual Media Tours & Medium Media Tours, I have several trainings below.

A Basic Introduction to Leading as a Digital Media Tour-preneur Mini-Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Setting Up Your Virtual Media Tour Empire the “Write” Way with Medium Mini Masterclass

A Basic Introduction to Repositioning for Revenue Recognition with Medium-preneurship Using Virtual Media Tours

A Basic Introduction to Creating Your Own Multiplicity-preneurial Marketplace Virtual Media Tours Empire

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

