Do You Have a Relationship with Your Life? Take Time to Commune with Life Itself & Build a Trusting Partnership with Intentional Journaling

4 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

How’s life going for you right now?

Are you connected to your highest and best good?

Are you experiencing the best that life has to offer in the present?

The more profound questions are…

Do you have a relationship with your life?

How well do you know your life or yourself?

Do you listen to and/or observe your life?

Intentional journaling is one of the most powerful practices to incorporate into your daily life to establish a true connection and solid relationship with your life as a whole.

Intentional journaling is different than traditional journaling; however, both have tremendous benefits. Intentional journaling invites you to focus on a specific area and use a designated journal for that area.

I’ve been teaching on the concept of intentional journaling for over a decade, published over 300 on Amazon for different industry focuses and have help several people not only incorporate this practice into their lives but also to publish their own journals.

The main formats that I publish for journals are interactive styles with prompts and Q&A processes. Asking empowering questions provides an opportunity for deeper exploration into a core area(s) of one’s experience. Having a life-connection journal for intentional living invites us to be present with life itself, commune with life, hear from life and most of all develop a great relationship with life. When we know our life/lives, we will better know and understand ourselves.

Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

I always encourage others to become the journalist and biologist of their lives and explore who they are and examine the very anatomy of their own life or life in general.

Even though this has been an avid practice of mine for several years and as I mentioned previously, I still have to take my practice to the next level.

Like any relationship, if you want to maximize your experience and deepen your connection, you must work at it. Establish better communication, build new levels of trust, respect and honor.

We need to regularly examine whether or not we are being a good steward of our lives. Taking inventory of how we spend our time, how well do we take care of ourselves or what we have. We need to closely look at how we are showing up in the most meaningful ways when it comes to our loved ones, our careers and more.

When we take time to be intentional in this way leveraging the power of intentional/topical journaling, we benefit greatly because we are allowing ourselves to connect to life in a more profound way, be present with our experience and gain the wisdom and insights for how to live our best in every moment.

It’s important for us to have a good/great relationship with life. When we treat life good, life will treat us the same if not better. When we don’t like how life is going, we have an opportunity to check in with life, ask for guidance or make shifts that we know will improve our situation.

No matter what happens in our lives, we must know that life is always happening for us and through us and never just to us. Life wants to support us at the highest levels; however, we have to be in tune and in touch with life in order to flow harmoniously. This is why it’s important to have a great relationship with life itself and also with ourselves. Again, intentional journaling provides the sacred space for us to establish, build and level up those relationships.

Taking as little as 5 to 15 minutes daily or several times a week will be extremely beneficial. I recommend being intentional about three to five core areas of your life at a time when starting out. Because I’ve been at this for a while, I use several intentional journals daily. Sometimes, I’m reading over previous entries in several areas so that I can continue to benefit from the wisdom and also see/track my evolution.

As mentioned previously, I continue to level up in this area and I’m exploring new ways to expand my relationship with life, journaling and also my works in this area.

Three of my journals that I recommend when starting this practice are…

The Power of Intentional Journaling: An Inspirational Journal for Living, Loving & Leading with Intention

Review, Reflect, Repeat: A Life in Review Reflections Journal

New Now Dimensional Life Decoding Made Easy: A Lifestyle Decoding Journal for Unlocking Your Greater Potential, Life Purpose & Destiny

Other Jump-start Considerations for Business & Morning Meditation & Journaling…

The Power of Intentional Journaling for Business Made Easy: The Basic Benefits of Intentional Journaling for Creating Business Breakthroughs (Q&A Journal Planner)

Mastering Your Mornings with Meditation & Journaling: An Inspirational Self-Mastery Journal for Communing with Your Divine Essence to Start Your Day Off Right

I hope that this article has served you and inspires you to start leveraging intentional journaling or level up your journaling practice. I would love to hear about your experience.

Please feel free to connect with me on other social media platforms and also explore my Amazon Author’s Page on my Linktree profile majestyalinicolewow | Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook | Linktree.

Also, if you would like to learn more about my opportunities for intentional journaling, visit Innerversity 365 Intentional Journaling & Self-Coaching Institute and/or email

