Do You Take Your Path to Purpose Seriously?

Your Life Experiences Are Not Just for You, but for Others So Don’t Delay in Pursuing Your Purpose

6 min readAug 19, 2022

“You cannot afford to live in potential for the rest of your life; at some point, you have to unleash the potential and make your move.” ~Eric Thomas

Photo by Ruben Ramirez on Unsplash

As much as I would like to start this article off on a positive note, I must stay true to the intention of why I’m sharing on the importance of this topic. This read is not going to be…how can I say, a sugarcoated raindrop type of read.

I share this without judgment, just as an observation from years-worth of case studies around the area of untapped human potential. Unfortunately, there are so many people who don’t take themselves seriously as it relates to their true-life purpose.

Most delude themselves into thinking that they are trying to live their best lives; however, aren’t really interested in doing what it takes even in the simplest forms to step out and discover a path to purpose that will unleash their greater potential.

I’ve witnessed people make commitments to collaborations only to not follow through and disrespectfully backout without communication because they don’t feel confident or competent to fulfill their part. Instead of being honorable and communicating to others involved, they’d rather risk diminishing their character so that it will be guaranteed that they won’t be asked to play a part in anything else.

I’ve also witnessed and experienced where people would consistently jump on a few of mine or others social media posts talking about how they’re ready to take action on something and will be sure to explore the opportunity being presented, but never actually following through. They’ll come back later saying they’ll do it next time or next year. Taking for granted that opportunities will always be available.

They become obsessed with the idea of something versus the idea of actually carrying it out. Again, they delude themselves with doing small acts that make them feel as if they are trying. However, all they are doing is avoiding their greater potential.

It’s sad that they don’t understand that when they deny themselves of honoring the path of their greater purpose to unleash their gifts, they are also denying others who could benefit from their experiences.

They haven’t come to realize their importance, worth and greater contribution to the world. Everyone was born with a purpose(s) and has been given everything they need in order to carry it out. This doesn’t mean that it will always be easy to pursue and fulfill one’s purpose; however, it’s well worth it and it’s the very reason why we came into this world.

Most aren’t willing to discipline, devote or develop themselves enough to commit to a path of purpose. They would rather stay safe and be a dreamer but never actually live the dream.

I’ve seen many have things drop in their laps, learning curves shorten and practically have everything already done for them and they still won’t follow through.

It’s one of the most selfish acts and a huge dishonor to our creator. I used to say that we don’t have the right to not fulfill our greater potential. Yes, I know that we have a choice/free-will and no one is forcing us to step up and be GREAT. However, it’s a shame to come into this life and not PLAY FULL OUT especially when the way is being made for people to achieve success in the simplest yet most significant ways.

So, if you’re reading this article and you’ve been someone who fits into the category of what’s been laid out above, let me just say that I’m not here to be nice, plead with or even encourage you to move forward with pursuing your purpose. However, I would invite you to examine your seriousness about life and ask yourself are you really being TRUE. Anything that’s living less than true is not living a worthy life of why you were created.

I’m sure most will argue for their limitations and say…but I am serving my purpose and I do help others. Okay, let’s say that’s true, now ask yourself, why you do it. Most who are afraid to step up and honor their true path of purpose often do things or serve out of their egos.

They perform acts that make them feel good about doing for others or choose occupations that allow them to do just enough to feel like their making a difference as they are making an income to survive. People get comfortable even in uncomfortable zones and learn how to manage instead of stretching themselves into something greater.

No matter what level of greatness we think we’ve achieved, trust me there’s always a next level of purpose that’s calling us but if we fail to answer the first call to purpose, we won’t qualify ourselves for more. This is why most won’t step up to pursue their path of purpose or divine assignment because they fear more will be required at some point. In turn, they purposefully disqualify themselves and choose to play small in life.

As mentioned previously, when others delay and deny their greatness, they also delay and deny others the opportunity to benefit from their gifts. We must keep in mind that our experiences are not just for us. We are here to contribute to the world in ways far beyond what we can imagine.

As someone who has answered my callings to my paths of purpose, my personal accountability to myself is to always be mindful that it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve stepped up and pursued my purpose, I will still ask myself, how serious am I about my purpose in the present?

I examine the areas where I need to challenge myself, shift out of familiar servitude and pursue the next level that’s calling me. I take stock of where I’m being selfless, perhaps selfish or even possibly engaging in lower ego comfort service-based activities.

I invite others who are serious and not just curious about pursuing their next level to asks themselves…Do I Take My Path to Purpose Seriously?

Here are a few quotes below to ponder on as food for thought…

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” ~Elon Musk.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

“Live for each second without hesitation.” ~Elton John

In closing, I would just say that it’s time for those of you who are serious to no longer allow yourself to be a physical source of empowerment to others who aren’t serious. Allow them to level up on their own time and not yours. There’s plenty of information, resources and more available for people to evolve and pursue their purpose if they choose to make that a priority.

Our time on earth is precious and our path of true purpose is what gives us real meaning in LIFE. Let’s not waste our gifts, talents or time living and serving less than God’s best.

As leaders and influencers, sometimes we have to be candid and not be afraid to address areas that could potentially make others feel uncomfortable.

I hope this article provided food for thought and was beneficial for your reading pleasure. Thanks for taking time out to read.

If you desire to access your untapped potential and discover your path to purpose in the present, consider my resources Encoded for Greatness: The New Human Development Factor: A Transformational Journal for Discovering Your New Human Potential and The Human Butterfly Effect: An Inspirational Journal to Discovering How Your Life Purpose Impacts the World

I’m wishing you all the best in pursuit of your GREATNESS!!!!!!!!

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