Having Courage to Explore the Other Side of the Track

5 min readAug 11, 2022


A new adventure often awaits you on the other side of your current track of life. Are you ready to have the courage to explore the other side?

Photo by Jakub Sisulak on Unsplash

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the saying that everything we want is on the other side of our comfort zones. While it’s often easier said than done to just take the leap of faith that flings us out of those comfortable places, believe it or not…it really is the thing to do…so just do it. However, I believe we can start to lean into our leap to take small right-inspired actions that will create momentum toward our forward movement before having any contrast to happen that forces us to make a move. We want the adventured to be inspired versus forced.

So how do you start a new adventure on the other side of the track?

This journey begins with having the courage to explore the new. Exploration is a more subtle way to lean into something especially if you’re not 100% clear on what it is that you most desire or the new that’s calling you in the present.

Knowing exactly what you want in detail isn’t always required. What’s most required is that you become courageously committed to the NEW and follow the impulses, the subtle breadcrumb clues and synchronistic patterns that are leading you to something much more expansive that you can’t plan out in specific details.

Your current views of a new path or success could be very limited, so it’s best to just know how you want to FEEL in an experience where life supports your values and what’s most important to you versus trying to create from what’s familiar in order to accomplish your desired outcomes. Again, simply having the courage to explore will play to your highest advantage.

Let me just say that having courage doesn’t always look like being bold, fierce and aggressive to get into action. Courage can be a subtle yet very significant intention that leads you to right inspired implementation that invites you to just simply be curious about a new path and then start to explore.

I love to provide empowering exploration processes that help others to look inside and discover their own answers at a deeper level so that they can create success from their own inner template. This too takes courage.

Here’s an inner exploration exercise for you to explore the inner track(s) of success that’s calling you in the present. These are inner journaling prompts and triggers designed to stimulate a higher awareness and curiosity for the new adventure.

The Courageous Inner Calling Exploration for Discovering a New Track of Life Exploration Exercise…

Take a deep breath and be present with these questions and write down your answers…

What new track(s) in life is/are calling me NOW?

I’m curious to know where I should begin exploring…

On the other side of my current track of life, I might discover…

What simple, subtle yet significant shift(s) do I need to make in the present?

Are there any areas of life that I need to let go of and/or level up for this new phase?

In what ways can my current curiosity lead to more courageousness?

Right now, I feel most inspired to…

After you’ve spent time being present and going through this exercise, move forward to create your Lean into My Leap to the Other Side of the Track 30-Day Plan of Inspired Implementation.

So, what this process looks like is you taking the next 30-Days to be the journalist of your life to explore this new path and what it will take for you to lean into leaping over your current track of life to the other side of a new adventure.

Let me be clear that this doesn’t mean you’re leaving behind everything, often when shifting to the other side, you discover that several aspects/elements shift with you and take on a new evolutionary form that will both serve you and others in a much more expanded way. Sure, some things will not make it through the transition; however, you’ll find that those parts are areas that no longer support your highest and best good for what’s emerging.

Those aspects are no longer relevant or required for this new adventure even if they served you greatly up to this point. If you’re unsure of what needs to be let go of or possibly repositioned, just continue the be present and ask for guidance on those areas that aren’t leaping over to the other side of the track.

The best way to get started with this process is to get a separate journal, composition or notebook and title it Lean into My Leap to the Other Side of the Track 30-Day Plan of Inspired Implementation or Lean into Leaping to the Other Side. You might find that you take 30 to 90 Days to fully flesh out this process with rinse and repeats.

Each day take time to be present even if it’s two to five minutes (10 to 15 is always great or 20 to 30 even better) to journal about your explorations and record your insights and inspired actions that you’re planning to take for leaning-in and/or leaping. Also, record your outcomes and results.

This is an excellent way to TRACK your journey as you explore.

As mentioned previously, exploration is one of the best ways to lean into starting a new adventure. However, I will encourage you not to stay in the Leaning-in-zone to long and practice taking more mini-leaps and major leaps to the other side. What most discover before the 30-Days is that they are already for the most part on the other side of the track and just needed this process to become more awakened and aware so that they can fully maximize and optimize the experience in a much more conscious and meaningful way.

I hope that you will find this process extremely beneficial for being more courageous to explore the new track. I would love to hear how this has served you. I invite you into other parts of my social media multiverse by joining me on https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow.

Here’s to Happily Hopping Over to the Other Side…




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY-ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 600+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com