I Became the Second Coming of Professional Coaching & The Ultimate Cross-Functional Coach, Consultant & Counselor Advisory Authority

5 min readJul 24, 2023


Over the last decade, I’ve been changing the game in the coaching industry and pioneering new norms in the business world. I’ve been known as the Ultimate Industry Disruptor for carving out new lanes, setting new industry standards and creating new era paradigms for coaches, leaders and solo entrepreneurs.

As a cross-functional advisory authority I’m cross-trained in over 200 areas and I serve in a multitude of roles, primarily as a coach, consultant and counselor. I’ve published over 300 works on Amazon for different industries, created over 1000 online training platforms and produced over 300 digital products which include more than 100 Coaching Training Products.

My vast body of work and background has powerfully positioned me as the Second Coming of Professional Coaching for several top industries and also my evolution into the Ultimate Cross-Functional Advisory Authority making me the Chief Cornerstone Coaching expert of this new era.

In this article, I will be demonstrating for you a concept that I teach in my training A Basic Introduction to Becoming an Authority Stacking Coach. Authority stacking is all about taking your expertise and showcasing multilevel of your skills and mastery at various levels through products, publications and platforms.

This is where I quantify my experience in volume and diversification. The demonstration of my diversity provides you with a glimpse of my multilevel and cross-functional authority for creating a new coaching normal, and so much more. This will allow you to see how I’ve become the Second Coming of Coaching and other related areas for branding and entrepreneurship.

In My Early Coaching Days

My primary coaching authority early on was in the areas of Leadership Transitions Coaching for women in leadership and also Spiritual Entrepreneur Development Coaching. I later became a top coaching authority in the areas of inner game mastery, marketing and branding and other business-related areas.

Because journal prompts coaching was a part of every program or process that I facilitated, I started publishing intentional journal style publications for different niche markets and became the top coach for journaling. My platform The Joy of Journal Life Coaching Institute provides a series of intentional journals for different industry focuses. My Basic Introduction to Journal Prompts Coaching Mini Info Training, teaches the fundamental on how to get started in this area.

As you can see already that my experience is massive for positioning my expertise in a multi-layered way. I am both the NOW & FUTURE of professional coaching. I’m always on the emerging and evolutionary edge.

I’ve provided two free masterclass trainings for you to enjoy about the evolution and future of this industry. I’ve also included a few product examples for common coaching areas, my cross-brand coaching, also rare niche coaching focuses and platforms. This is all for the demonstration of authority stacking that illuminates my Second Coming and Cross-Functional position. Again, this article will demonstrate all of what I’ve shared so far, and you will be able to see my authority stacking with products, publications, platforms and more.

Meanwhile get started with these free masterclasses…

Enjoy the Free Masterclass YouTube Video

The Evolution & Future of Business Branding for Coaches, Entrepreneurs & More Mini Masterclass — YouTube

Click the title for the free training…

The Evolution & Future of Professional Coaching Mini Masterclass

Authority Stacking with Products, Publications & Platforms Demonstration…

Common Coaching Area Products…

A Basic Introduction to Professional Coaching the “Write” Way Micro Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Life Mastery Coach the Write Way Mini Masterclass

A Basic Introduction to Journal Prompts Coaching Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Startup Expert & Business Builder Developer Coach Micro Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Leadership Development Coach & Building Your Own Training Hub Micro Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Multilevel Writing & Publishing Coach Micro Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming an Empowerment Coach & Motivational Trainer Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Multilevel Mindset Coach Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Health & Well-being Coach for Wellness-preneurs Mini Info Training

Cross-Branded Coaching Products…

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Profitable Platform Coaching Authority Mini Masterclass

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Multi-Trades Coach to Serve Different Industries Mini Info Training

Coach, Consult & Counsel A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Cross-Functional Advisory Authority Mini Info Training

A Few of my Rare Niche Coaching Focuses Products…

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Digital Detox & Social Media Sabbatical Planning Coach Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Cab Coach &Taxi Trainer Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Generational Curse & Spell-Breaker Coach Mini Info Training

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Business Bereavement Coach & Entrepreneurial Estate Planning Mini Info Training

Explore My Second Coming Publications & Other Related Branding & Business Publications…

The Second Coming Of Solo-Entrepreneurship For A New Era Marketplace: A Basic Introduction To All-Around Entrepreneurship For Next-Level Business Innovation (Action Planner)

The Second Coming Of Entrepreneurial Branding For A New Era Marketplace: The Basics Of New Era Rebranding For Repositioning & Relaunching Your Brand … With Online Media Tours (Action Planner)

Coaching Products & Publications Platforms…

Cross-Niche Coaching Made Easy

The Joy of Journal Life Coaching Institute

The WOW Empress Codes Intentional Journaling Coaching Institute

The Spiritual Cornerstone Self-Coaching Institute

Multifaceted Dream Quest Coaching-preneurial Brand-casting Institute for New NOW High-End Success

Convert Free Coaching Into Cash-Flow: Convert Free Coaching Into Cash-Flow On-Air & Off-Air Workspace Intensives & More

Related Mastermind Programs…

Your Second Coming Lucrative Coaching Comeback Mastermind: Discover Your Profitable Multi-Professional Platform Coaching-preneurial Advantage

The New NOW High-End Coaching Comeback Mastermind: Discover Your Second Coming of Profitable Professional Coaching as a Cross-Functional Advisory Authority

Related Articles…

I Became the Second Coming in the Areas of Branding, Coaching & Solo Entrepreneurship as the Chief Cornerstone Brand-Casting Content Creator Authority for a New NOW High-End Testament Marketplace

I Became the Second Coming of Solo-Entrepreneurial Finance & the Revenue Rapture Ascension Authority During the End-Times Economic Collapse in the Online Marketplace

Explore a few of my affiliate Life Coaching T-Shirts…

Life Coach Tee

I Love Life Coaching Tee

Happiness Is Life Coaching


I hope the content of this article was empowering and you found it valuable. I hope this inspires you to leverage Authority Stacking to position your brand and business for uncommon success. I would love to hear how it served and/or inspired you.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com