Revenue Recognition Your Way on YouTube: The Art of Creating Monetized Success Customization with Less than 400 Subscribers

5 min readSep 21, 2022


Photo by GuerrillaBuzz Crypto PR on Unsplash

If you’re struggling to make a greater impact and income on YouTube after trying everything the gurus say or even trying to do things on your own, let me just say I know exactly how you feel.

Many spend years (I’ve been there) trying several ways to expand on YouTube only to discover that you continue to feel like you’re back at square one and now returning to the drawing board.

You often find yourself on the human hamster wheel where you’re just continuously looping around with being fired up to be on YouTube and start posting your valuable content only to find yourself having to give pause again and drop off of the platform once more.

You start thinking that YouTube isn’t for you and that it takes too much content creation and production work that doesn’t seem to pay off in the short, mid or long-term. This is where most get discouraged because they don’t understand how their value continues to be overlooked or they’ll gain subscribers but never convert any viewers into clients or customers for their products and services.

What I know to be true (what I also discovered for myself over the years) is the main reason why YouTube isn’t working for most is because they are meant to be pioneers of a new expression on YouTube and actually social media in general.

When you try to follow what everyone else is doing or what every other YouTube expert is suggesting as it relates to gaining more subscribers and/or monetizing your channel in the traditional way, you miss the opportunity to set yourself up for real REVENUE RECOGNITION for both impact and income versus just recognition that comes by way of popularity of followers that’s more for a cosmetics presence and not for holistic profitability.

In my master course Figures to Followers: Prioritizing Purposeful Profits Over Popularity on Social Media to Create the Win-Win for You, Your Audience & More I cover in the section Online Revenue Recognition Revolution how to accurately and affluently align yourself to powerfully be positioned in social media for Praise-that-Pays and Feedback that Feeds-Back and why it’s important to start with this premise.

As an emerging profitable pioneer YouTube-preneur in an online world full of YouTubers who are profiting from using models that work against your uniqueness, you must make sure that you focus on the profits model that requires you to put in your BIG ROCKS first versus creating a pebbles-and-sand-hope-for-profits-business model.

If your channel is less than 400 subscribers, you sit in the best position for successfully setting up for revenue recognition in the new high-end way of being what I call a YouTube-i-corn Marketplace-preneur (which is a course of mine). You are your own unique marketplace Unicorn empire expression that is a REQUIRED brand in the online consumer space.

Photo by Yura Timoshenko on Unsplash

So why is this mostly possible for channels under 400 subscribers?

Before a channel reaches its 500-subscriber mark, there are a few interesting shifts that occur in branding and empire evolution before momentum sets in for what will be the actual SOARING BUTTERFLY EFFECT after the YouTuber-preneur Marketplace-preneur Metamorphosis (which is a signature work of mine).

In my case study and works in this area, my findings and experience are when a channel is destined to be a pioneer expression in the marketplace, the channel typically remains under 400 subscribers for a while as the new brand and empire identity is coming into its new formation. This is the time when the profitability can start to HIT BIG for setting up a YouTube business that doesn’t require having a lot of subscribers yet has the frameworks for scalable and sustainable revenue success.

When a brand’s channel is seen as a marketplace, people understand that it’s an experience much like a mall or outlet store shopping encounter. You’re recognized as a business when you show up as an empire the way that Walmart or other real contenders do. Consumers understand that type of initiative and your channel becomes more inviting and relatable than just a place to tune into without feeling it’s only right to start compensating the channel for the value it’s adding to their lives.

Subscribing means something different to them. It’s like paying for a Netflix subscription or recognizing that though the channel is free they aren’t getting all of the milk without paying in some form or another for the cow itself or at least a steak off of the cow. LOL!

When a channel is less than 400 subscribers, it hasn’t picked up enough momentum from the traditional growth models that would create a limited success trajectory that they will find themselves stuck in where they’re channel gains popularity with followers/subscribers but not actual profits of any kind. Therefore, it’s easier to shift the profits trajectory by examining the inner-impact and income template that presents itself at the evolutionary juncture of the metamorphosis journey.

This is where the high-level monetization customization comes in to play so that the YouTube-preneur knows how to accurately show up as a pioneer marketplace on their channel.

I wanted to provide this article as an awareness instrument so that those with channels under 400 subscribers can start to better understand why things haven’t popped off a certain way for the channel and why it’s been to their highest advantage not to grow their channels in the traditional way of hoping that popularity will lead to profitability. Oh, it can and does happen for several on YouTube; however, that will soon be an obsolete model to leverage. Already, it has left several channels which had massive growth at one point in trouble because of subtle yet significant shifts that are occurring and/or emerging.

If you would like to jump-start your Revenue Recognition Success for Monetization Customization, I invite you to check out my article bundle Create Your Own YouTube Laboratory Process: Five Articles to Help You Experiment & Massively Jump-Start, Restart or Level Up Your YouTube Channel Success Factor and YouTube Playlist…YouTube Your Way Mini Lessons.

These articles and mini lessons will help channels under 400 subscribers jump-start their success for revenue and more as well as help to level up seasoned YouTubers in new ways.

To level up even more, check out my article YouTube Revenue Your Way: Creating Customized Monetized Success with Less than 500 Subscribers from the Inside Out. This article will also invite you to read the articles and watch the mini lessons mentioned above. I recommend that you revisit them and reapply the customization process from a higher and much more expanded vantage point as you level up to the 500-subscriber mark.

I hope this article was extremely beneficial. I would love to hear how this resonated with you. I invite you into other parts of my social media multiverse by joining me on

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