The Benefits of Taking a Break from Work-Related Activities: Make Time to Enjoy More of Your Life Even If You Enjoy Doing Work that Doesn’t Feel Like Work

4 min readOct 15, 2022


Photo by takwa abdo on Unsplash

One thing I love about being an entrepreneur is the opportunities that the experience provides for freedom and flexibility. Being able to be your own BOSS, create success on your own terms and so much more are some of the greatest benefits that make doing the work you most love even more worthwhile.

Most who are fortunate enough to have an enjoyable work life of this nature often find that we are spending a lot of time enjoying what we do and the consistent creativity flow that invites us to create or explore more.

Even though we can get lost in our passions and greatly benefit from making an impact and income, there are times where we don’t need to spend most of our energy doing those things even though we enjoy them and don’t find what we do to interfere with our lives.

Regardless to whether or not we have balance in this area and feel like we can keep going and going to fuel our passions even more, we could benefit from taking a break from what we enjoy so much in order to discover new levels of enjoyment in other ways.

Sometimes, it’s best to take a break on work related activities, relax into a new flow, do nothing routine and allow greater space for expansion into a newer and truer way of being.

We need to enjoy life more or I should say more of our LIFE. If we’re always just enjoying what we believe is great (even with our work) wouldn’t that be limiting?

Because GIVING PAUSE and taking regular hiatuses are parts of my work, I have to consistently level that area up, reposition how I take breaks and discover the most beneficial ways to not allow that to become a routine initiative.

I’m currently taking time to examine this area. I love my work and what I do often never feels like work because it’s more of a way of BEING, so I tend to be highly creative and GET THINGS DONE. However, I’m exploring a new level of BEING-NESS to shift gears as I take another BREAK to enjoy more of my life in new ways.

Now when I say break, I’m not necessarily referring to time off even though that can be a part of it. I’m leaning more in the direction of time-out and time-on in a new way. Meaning, I want to take time to find new things to enjoy and just take a break from what I traditionally do for enjoyment.

Time out can look like doing something I enjoy for 5 to 10 minutes less than normal and take up the other time that I would be spending in that area to enjoy something new or explore what LIFE would like to express through me at this phase.

Life is ready to give me MORE LIFE and I feel the CALLING to move in that direction which will cause me to have to take a break/time out to connect to this CALLING. This could look like spending less time in my traditional way of meditating, journaling and/or being present in order to receive new insights for how this aspect of life desires to flow through me to bring me into new levels of enjoyment holistically.

As I do this, I know that I will still be playing from both sides of the track and not completely stopping what I do in work that I enjoy, again, this is about creating new space for intention to discover how I can enjoy more of what life has for me to experience.

If you’re in this place, I invite you to take more time out and put more time into exploring new levels of enjoyment in your life and work in areas that maybe you’ve never considered.

If you would like to lean more into this way of being and experience the benefits of this practice as an entrepreneur, enjoy of few of the articles that I’ve written below…

Rest that Leads to Progress: Learn to Embrace the True Power & Benefits of Taking a Profitable Priority Pause

The Profitable Priority PAUSE: Take Time to Focus on What’s Most Important for this Life Phase

The Slow Speed Success Factor: How Slowing Down Actually Speeds Things Up

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you need assistance with planning your success in this area, please reach out. I’m the creator of the platforms The Power of the Profitable Social Media Pause, Rush 2 Rest, The Digital Detox Disruptor Retreats, The Soul of Self-Care and other related platforms.


I would love to hear how this article has served you. Also, feel free to follow/connect with me in other parts of my social media multiverse by joining me on

