Your Edison Moment Is at Hand: You’ve Never Failed. You Will Finally Succeed After Many Attempts

4 min readJun 23, 2023


Photo by Johan Extra on Unsplash

It’s so tempting to give up and throw in the towel after making several attempts over the years to succeed at something you know you were born to do.

Can you imagine being in Thomas Edison’s shoes? He made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb; however, he finally broke through. He never saw his journey as a failure. In fact, when a reporter asked him how it felt to fail 1,000 times, Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

What If…

  • What if that’s why certain ideas or creations of yours haven’t taken off as of yet?
  • What if you’re a pioneer, who’s here to bring forth new innovations and disruptions to certain paradigms?
  • What if your Edison moment is at hand?

You never know when that moment will occur, and this is why you have to keep going no matter what.

Yes, I know that it has been a long time coming, you’ve gone without, and you’ve made many sacrifices. Let me tell you that your efforts have not been in vain, and you have never failed. Just think about all that you’ve gained in experience along the way. Look at who you have become and all that you’ve been prepared for.

I bet Edison explored many things and discovered more about himself along the way that he probably never even thought about. His journey was more than just creating a Lightbulb moment. The real light that came on was from within him and that light illuminated his true potential on multiple levels.

I’m sure he thought to himself, if I can do this, I can do anything. I bet he was glad that he never gave up and stuck with it until he succeeded. This is why it’s important not to give up on something that will be life changing for yourself and others. Today, we continue to benefit from Edison’s greatness.

I believe if you’re reading this, your Edison moment is at hand. The real light within you is ready to come on and illuminate your greatness. Your potential knows no bounds and there’s so much more that the journey wants to reveal to you.

Often, we are focused on accomplishing a primary goal; however, the journey might also want to show us that we have other gifts and skills that have been developed or refined that we’re overlooking because we’re distracted by seeing the idea or creation come into fruition a certain way.

We can have it all. Sometimes the light hasn’t come on as of yet so that we can give pause, reflect and see all of what we’ve become along the way. So, I encourage you to not only look at the goal at hand, but also the evolution of your journey to see what else is ready to be illuminated.

Be Intentional

You have to be intentional about being present and in tune with your life/process so that you don’t miss your Edison moment. What you’ll discover is that there are several Edison moments happening at the same time. One lightbulb comes on in your mind and then another and another that will lead to that ultimate LIGHT moment that you’ve been waiting for. It will be more than you imagined.

You will see all of the breakthroughs and successes you’ve had throughout the process. As a result, you will see that the hold out was well worth it, and you will be overqualified and fully equip for what lies ahead. Again, take time out to be intentional so that you don’t miss your Edison moments.

Again, your Edison moment is at hand. Best Wishes!!!!!!!!!

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

Enjoy this related inspiring article…Don’t Click Your Ruby Red Heels to Return Home Just Yet. Maybe You Haven’t Discovered Your Ultimate Power for True Success from the Journey

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I hope the content of this article was inspiring and valuable for the next level of possibilities on your Edison journey. I would love to hear how it served and/or inspired you.

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