Streamlining your Chat with Data Bot: A Guide to Getting Annotations with Pinecone Vector Database

3 min readJan 4, 2024


In the world of data processing and machine learning, the ability to efficiently search and annotate large datasets is crucial. Pinecone, a vector database designed for machine learning applications, offers an effective solution for these tasks. This article will guide you through the process of using Pinecone to get annotations for your chat data with a data bot, focusing on a practical implementation with a Python application.

This guide is centered on creating a function to obtain annotations with Pinecone. If you’re also interested in learning how to build your own chatbot, check out our other articles for more information. For a comprehensive guide on crafting your own chatbot, please visit our insightful articles such as:

Introduction to Pinecone

Pinecone is a serverless vector database that enables you to store, search, and retrieve data based on vector similarity. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where you’re dealing with high-dimensional data, such as text embeddings generated by machine learning models.

Steps for Pinecone:

  1. Sign up for an account on the Pinecone website.
  2. Once you are signed up and logged in, on the left side navigation menu click “API Keys”.
  3. Copy the API key displayed on the screen (we will use this key later).
  4. Now, go back to the “Indexes” tab and create a new index.
  5. Name it whatever you want and make the dimensions 1536.
  6. Create the index and copy the environment of the index, we’ll need it for later.

Setting Up Pinecone in Your Python Application

Before diving into the annotation process, ensure that your Python environment is set up correctly. You should have the Pinecone Python client installed:

pip install pinecone-client

Next, initialize Pinecone in your Python application:

import pinecone

# Initialize Pinecone
pinecone.init(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY', environment='YOUR_INDEX_ENVIRONMENT')
index_name = "YOUR_INDEX_NAME"

Replace YOUR_API_KEY, YOUR_INDEX_ENVIRONMENT, and YOUR_INDEX_NAME with your actual Pinecone API key, environment, and index name.

Embedding the Prompt

First, we create an embedding of the prompt using OpenAI’s embedding model. This converts the text prompt into a high-dimensional vector.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI()

def run_pinecone_search(prompt):
embedded_prompt = client.embeddings.create(input=[prompt], model="text-embedding-ada-002").data[0].embedding

Querying Pinecone

With the embedded prompt, we query the Pinecone index to find the most relevant documents (annotations).

    index = pinecone.Index(index_name)
search_results = index.query(embedded_prompt, top_k=4, include_metadata=True)

Processing the Results

Finally, we process the search results to extract and format the annotations.

    result = []
for match in search_results['matches']:
document_text = match['metadata']['text']
source = match['metadata']['source']
result.append({'content': document_text, 'source': source})
return result

Integrating Pinecone in a Chat Application

To integrate this into a chat application, you’d typically have the run_pinecone_search() function called whenever a user submits a prompt. The function returns annotated responses, which can then be displayed in the chat interface.

If you’re looking to delve deeper into creating your own chatbot and integrating Pinecone for enhanced functionality, our team of experts is here to assist. We specialize in crafting chatbot solutions tailored to your specific needs. For professional guidance and to learn more about custom chatbot development, schedule a call with us at


Using Pinecone for annotations in a chatbot environment offers a scalable and efficient way to manage and retrieve data. By leveraging vector similarity search, you can enhance the capabilities of your chatbot, making it more responsive and intelligent in handling user queries. Remember to secure your API keys and manage your Pinecone and AWS resources responsibly to ensure the smooth operation of your application.




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