Its All About Communication

Will Gaulin
2 min readSep 22, 2017


Communication is one of the most important skills in the business world that there is. Being able to communicate properly will allow you to make better and quicker decisions. it will also show the other people around you that you know what you are talking about. One of the most important things in business is your presentation, like how you dress or talk.

There are a couple different steps that effectively allow one to learn how to communicate better. The most important step is practice. Practicing talking to other people about a specific topic before talking about it to other business partners will allow you to be more prepared. This will give you a one up on anyone else if you can do it right.

Another important step that one can use is simply by observing others. Sometimes by watching how others speak and communicate can effect how you communicate. This is a very important way to practice because it allows you to forget about how you talk or walk, and focus on how other people walk and talk.

Lastly, it is very important to plan ahead, but also being very flexible as well. Sometimes it is very difficult for someone to get from somewhere to somewhere else on a tight schedule, so having that flexibility will allow you to have more conversations which will then in turn help your communication skills.

The way that we communicate can greatly effect our success in the business world. It is important to remember that we do not only communicate by our words but also our appearance. Doing these little steps that I have provided will allow one †o improve their communication skills by just a little bit more. That can be the difference between receiving the job or losing the job.

