What is Baucis2?

William P. Riley-Land
2 min readJan 16, 2017


Or rather, what will it be?

Executive Summary

Baucis2 is a Node.js/JavaScript module that provides universal models to enable model driven engineering. Baucis2 is a quick way to build REST APIs, and simplifies the coding of fully asynchronous, non-buffering logic to provide a solid foundation for future growth and scalability. Baucis2 uses HTTP semantics, so training new developers in REST is easier.

Baucis v1

Baucis v1 proved there is a viable market for the module. It was downloaded from npm over 96,000 times in the 30 days following the release of v1.0.0. The MVP went well, and several companies built production software using it at scale. The most notable of these companies were Pixel Press, HivePod.io, as well as a major credit card company that shall remain nameless due to an NDA. Their feedback, as well as feedback from many individual users from around the globe, was invaluable to improving the performance and usability of Baucis v1 and in planning development for Baucis2.

Baucis2 ups the ante. The focus of Baucis2 is to build a “maximally buyable product.” I want to provide you and your company software and services that help you reduce development costs in time and money. I want to use Baucis2 to bring jobs to diverse people in Columbia, MO and Mid-Missouri to give back to the communities that I grew up in, and to reach out to other people working in open source all over the globe.

What’s new in Baucis2?

Baucis2 is written for Node 8 and ES2017. It uses the async & await keywords to provide asynchronous functionality. It has been optimized to increase performance based on feedback from users using Baucis v1 at scale. Baucis2 has been refactored and simplified to make it even easier for developers to work with. Baucis2 models are universal/isomorphic, and will be usable from both Node.js and the browser. Baucis2 will support additional data stores and front ends, and will initially ship with plugins to support MongoDB (not Mongoose), NeDB, Express, and HTTP/2.

Baucis2 will be dual-licensed under the AGPLv3 and will have commercial license pricing based on the size of your company. Commercial licenses will be inexpensive for individuals and small companies, and reasonably priced for the enterprise.

How can you help?

What I need to move Baucis2 to the beta release is simply time to continue coding and testing. In order to cover my living expenses while I code and test Baucis2, I have created a GoFundMe to raise money for development. Even $5 helps.

I have been happy to put in hundreds of hours of coding and support into Baucis for free! I am asking about ⅓ my usual hourly rate to help me complete coding and testing for the public beta release of Baucis2.



William P. Riley-Land

Open source software architect. Companies hire me to help them build and build with open source.