Top 7+ Free Search Engine Submission Sites: For More Visibility

7 min readMay 22, 2024


free search engine submission sites

In the gigantic world of online marketing and getting seen on search engines, adding your website to search engine lists is key. Free sites let you do this without spending a dime, helping ensure sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo know about your site. By sharing your site’s link with these services, you help speed up getting your pages found and shown in search results quicker.

For owners of websites, blogs, and businesses wanting to be more seen online, using search engine submission sites is a smart move. It helps your site get found faster, boosts your spot in search results, and brings more visitors over time.

In this guide, we will look at the perks of using free sites to submit your website. We will also discuss the top 7+ free submission sites out there on the internet. So, without further ado, let’s dig deeper.

What Are Search Engine Submission Sites?

Search engine submission sites are platforms where you can introduce your freshly developed website to search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. These work as friendly messengers that deliver your website’s address to these search engines. Moreover, they ensure the digital world that your website exists.

Afterward, these sites send their little bots, crawlers, to visit and explore your web pages. These crawlers then index your pages, meaning they make a list of all the stuff on your site. Thus, when an audience searches for something related to your site, these search engines can find and show your pages in their search results.

Sounds complicated? Imagine search engines as huge bookshops enriched with varieties of books. Being a writer, you want your book to be in their bookshop. You need to formally ask the book shopper.

That’s what search engine submission sites do for you. You give your website’s details to the sites. Once they have your info, they send crawlers to your website to read and understand what it’s about. As a result, if someone asks for a related book. The book shopper can find and show them your book.

Why Free Search Engine Submission Matters to Website Owners?

Free search engine submission sites are important for all website, blog, or content owners. These sites enhance your website’s online presence, improve ranking, and ultimately result in increased organic website traffic without breaking the bank.

i. Enhancing online presence

Submitting your website to search engine submission sites widens its online footprint. It ensures its visibility to a larger audience, enhancing the learning curve and looking for exact answers to their queries. When audiences conduct searches related to your website’s topic or keywords, having your site indexed increases online presence.

ii. Improving search engine ranking

One of the key benefits of free search engine submission sites is its impact on search engine ranking. When your website is indexed it means the site has passed the initial test and is now ready for getting ranked higher. Higher rankings lead to increased visibility and organic traffic since organic users are more likely to click on websites listed at the top of SERPs.

iii. Increasing website traffic

Submitting your websites to various search engines, you’re reaching more audiences. Reaching more audience base dictates generating traffic redirects to the site. You can gain the milestone by creating quality content.

Differentiating Search Engine Submission Sites From Search Engines

Search engine submission sites act as a directory. You submit your website’s URL, and they list it in their database. This might get your site noticed by major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Binge. It doesn’t guarantee indexing or ranking.
Meanwhile, the majority of the search engines function by itself. Search engines crawl the web to find and rank content, using algorithms to determine which sites are most relevant for search queries.

Top 7+ Free Search Engine Submission Sites

Take a peek into the top 7+ free search engine submission sites, where you can submit your website URLs easily.

1. Google search console

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a free tool provided by Google. It helps you to monitor and maintain your website’s presence in Google Search results. Moreover, it provides valuable insights into how Google sees your site, including indexing status, search queries, crawl errors, and more.

For submission, you need to verify ownership of your site, add a code snippet to your website, or verify through domain properties.


  • Comprehensive data on website performance in Google search
  • Easy integration with other Google tools like Google Analytics.
  • Identify and fix technical issues


  • Limited to Google search data only, can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Doesn’t guarantee ranking, if it is not compatible with ranking guidelines

2. Bing webmaster tools

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free tool provided by Microsoft’s Bing search engine. It offers similar functionalities to Google Search Console but is tailored only for Bing search. allows you to monitor their site’s performance in Bing search results, including crawl errors, keyword rankings, backlink data, list placement, analytics, etc.

For site submission, you need to verify ownership of your site through various verification methods supported by Bing. Similar to Google, Bing automatically crawls and indexes your web pages, with options to submit sitemaps and request re-indexing when needed.


  • Provides insights into Bing search performance.
  • Complements Google Search Console for broader SEO analysis.
  • Simplifies data for small business owners. Businesses can leverage data without having extensive knowledge.


  • Limited to Bing search data only
  • The interface may not be as user-friendly as Google Search Console.

3. Yahoo search engine submission

Yahoo Search Engine Submission is a service that allows you to submit site and web page URLs to Yahoo’s search index. However, Yahoo’s search engine has declined in popularity compared to Google an.Bing..

You can easily submit your website URL through the Yahoo Search Engine Submission portal. Besides, Yahoo automatically crawls and indexes web pages submitted through this service.


  • Ensures inclusion in Yahoo search results
  • No verification process is required.
  • The submission process is simplified


  • Limited impact due to Yahoo’s decreasing search market share
  • No additional insights were provided beyond basic inclusion.
  • Lower conversion rate due to search intent

4. SubmitStart

SubmitStart is a search engine submission service that allows website owners to submit their sites to multiple search engines and directories.

Unlike other tools, it simplifies the submission process. Users can submit their site to multiple search engines at once, saving time and effort.

For submission, you need to provide your website URL and select the search engines and directories you want to submit to. Afterward, you will simply need to follow the submission instructions. It relies on the indexing methods of the individual search engines and directories.



  • Limited control over the indexing process
  • It does not guarantee immediate or comprehensive indexing across all platforms.

5. Baidu webmaster tools

Baidu Webmaster Tools is a free service provided by Baidu, the leading search engine in China and some parts of the South-Asian region.It is highly popular in China and surrounding regions due to Baidu’s dominance in the Chinese search market.

Similar to most popular tools, Baidu also automatically crawls and indexes web pages, with options for you to submit sitemaps and request re-indexing.


  • Provides insights into website performance in the Chinese search market
  • Essential for websites targeting Chinese audiences.
  • Misleading contents are censored as it adheres to the Chinese government regulations.


  • Limited relevance for websites targeting audiences outside of China.
  • You require knowledge of the Chinese language for effective use.
  • Solely focus on Chinese market

6. Entireweb

Entireweb is an independent search engine that offers a search engine submission service for you. With a DA and Pa of 53 and 58, it’s a decent tool for indexing your website. Entireweb allows website owners to submit their site to Entireweb’s search index, potentially increasing visibility in its search results. When it comes to popularity, it is less popular than major search engines but offers an additional avenue for website visibility.

The submission process is very straightforward. You only need to provide your website URL and follow the submission instructions on the Entireweb website. It comes with a quick and easy indexing method as the tool automatically crawls and indexes web pages submitted through its service.


  • Additional exposure for websites in Entireweb’s search results
  • Potentially increasing traffic.
  • Free SEO tools for basic optimization.


  • Limited impact compared to major search engines
  • You may not generate significant traffic compared to more prominent search engines.

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