[Artificial Intelligence By Gerd Altmann,] (CC0 1.0)

Is Artificial Intelligence the next big thing?

wasif ramtoola


The world we have today would not be possible if we did not have the internet, it what drives everything and allow us to communicate with machines. Especially with the introduction of wireless connections in the early 20s, this takes users away from a confined space in front of a computer to more freedom and efficiency. This has enabled devices to connect and share information seamlessly. Smartphones have greatly assisted this technology by enabling users to retrieve and share information with other users, but now wireless technology has been taken to the next level with artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a clever technology which enables users to interact with devices via speech, it recognizes and learns from what you say and delivers. Amazon has adopted this technology with Alexa which enables users to schedule, control their house or Evan purchase items. Competitors are trying to catch up with their device such as google Home but still far behind. The question lies not with how many companies are adopting this technology but the benefits and drawbacks of this technology and could it revolutionize the way we integrate and communicate with machines.

To date Amazon has sold 8.2 million devices, but what is the reason behind their success, why are so many people embracing this technology. The answer is with its integration and ability to do many tasks. Speech recognition application such as Siri is good with practicality and basic tasks but it falls short with accuracy and response time, you have to speak very slowly and clearly for Siri to understand which doesn’t make it a personal assistance because you have to adapt for them to understand.

[Amazon Echo by Scott Lewis,] (CC BY 2.0)

The experience and response makes Amazon different from competitors, Google is catching up with its smart home device which is in direct competition with Amazon but its lacking short with connectivity and capabilities such as smart home and ordering. Amazon is a complete package you can request weather information, set alarms/reminders and ask general information, but whats more it can connect to google calendar or icalendar by simply saying “Alexa what’s my schedule today” and it will deliver the command as scheduled. You can also add events to your calendar. Amazon Echo also has the ability to order items on amazon, so if stock is running low or you fancy something new just send a command to Alexa and it will do the rest with constant updates on the delivery. You can even order a domino’s pizza or an Uber Taxi much faster that it would take through an app.

[Accessed (17/04/17)] Dave Starmore

Amazon Echo has turned out to be useful in other ways too. In ways that were beyond the scope the product was originally designed for. The product was originally designed to help improve lives of ordinary people but the use has expanded to people with disabilities/visual impairments. Amazon echo has been really useful to disabled people because some of the basic tasks such as switching the lights on/opening the door can be difficult but with this technology it gives them the confidence and independence they need, especially for people who are visually impaired/blind because they need constant help navigating around the house, just imagine if you closed your eyes for a day and tried to turn the radio on, it would be difficult right but with amazon echo life has become much easier by saying “Alexa” however, you need to be clear and concise when speaking which creates a limitation for people who cannot speak or struggle to speak clearly, but with artificial voice which is basically a computer speaking for them they can communicate with Alexa which has been tested and it works perfectly, even with Siri. Which is a huge advantage because sometimes loneliness can take over and by a machine talking makes them feel better and gives them confidence to speak and explore the knowledge available online. Another Advantage is its ease of use, some People find it difficult to navigate around the phone, some do not know how to use it but with Alexa you do not need any technical/previous experience just a voice and internet that’s it, so anyone can use it whatever the age or disability.

Even though Alexa has some strong points that are some ethical consideration to consider. Privacy is a big controversy surrounding Alexa. Alexa is not just a clever robot that responds but it listens and tries to improve its interaction with users. For this to happen Alexa needs to store voice recording and interactions with users on servers. Users can delete content but Amazon does not recommend this because they want to continuously improve their service/satisfaction levels. Some people may like to have their interaction recorded but some disagree and believe the internet is full of hackers and spy agencies who listen over conversations, like the controversy surrounding Samsung smart TVs where information via the voice recognition software was shared with third parties, However even-though Amazon stores recording the strict rules and regulations prevent them from sharing with third parties only under extreme circumstances where the law has enforced them to do so. For example there was a case in Arkansas USA where a murder suspect had the device in the home where the murder took place. The police seized the device and requested information from Amazon but Amazon did not share the information. There are other issues regarding privacy and violation. Since Amazon is connected to your account. It contains information relating to credit cards and payment history, so if you have a cheeky guest they can go through your orders and use your credit card to order something, which has happened in the past where a six year old ordered a doll house. “Can you play dollhouse with me and get me a dollhouse?” The parents realized what has happened and added a security code but the risk still lies with others who have unsecured accounts making them vulnerable to anyone who is in contact with the device.

Alexa has the ability to change the world with its integration and ability to do many tasks but where its lacking is with its privacy. The internet is a mean place and having the device constantly connected files concerns over hacking and spying, even-though Amazon has stated they do not share information with third parties it is still a concern, because even with the toughest security hackers find ways that are not spotted, so coming back to the question weather Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing?, I think it is a possibility but more research is needed. The defining factor is how you can achieve top level security but at the same time offer all the amazing benefits Alexa has to offer. Once achieved people would be more inclined and confident knowing that they are in safe hands which could lead to something unimaginable to reality.


After completing semester 1 I was provided with a variety of options. Since I was doing a degree related to IT this module really interests me. Topics related to social media and how businesses are using social media to increase their online presence and reach audiences is a big topic which requires a lot of thinking and understanding. This Module has benefited me a lot not just as a person but in terms of knowledge as well.

Before starting this module I did not know what a blog was and what was required. I knew we had to write a blog because that was part of the course but since a blog is less formal it forced me to think differently that I am not used. Having done many academic essays for university you have to reference everything Evan if you think it is your own idea, but with a blog you still have to reference but since it is less formal it gives you more freedom to expand and think critically. This is where I was going wrong in the first assignment I was not thinking critically enough which this module has taught me and I believe I have accomplished that in Digisoc3.

Another issue that I really did not come to term with is Copyrights. In Digisoc1 I really did not understand why copyrights were so important in blogging, but after receiving feedback I realized that since it is a blog everyone can see it. What makes an academic essay different from a blog is that with an academic essay only a few people have access to a piece of work whereas with a blog everyone on the internet can see it so it’s important to correctly attribute and give credit to publishers who have allowed their work to be used freely. This is where I was going wrong in the first assignment. I was just copying and pasting images from google not looking at the copyrights and whether it is free to use. This was the reason why I lost so many marks in the first assessment. Hopefully I have not made the same mistake again in Digisoc3.

The knowledge and skills that I have gained will help me as an individual and in a working environment. Thinking Critical is a key skill that would help in any work environment because I maybe given a problem or issue and being able to think critically enables different viewpoints and perspective which may not have been explored, so by having this skill it could solve complicated issues and problems. In terms of knowledge blogging is a key attribute that I have gained because I maybe ask to write a blog at work or individually and having learnt/experienced how to write blogs and how to correctly use images can help me successfully write a blog.

