2 min readJul 4, 2017


Wristbands form a part of wrist jewelry which emerged centuries ago. They materials and styles evolved during their progression. Wristbands have been in use for around a decade now and the uses of the same are growing at a good pace. These days, there are numerous offline as well as online stores selling wristbands. Originally, Livestrong foundation started manufacturing the wristbands. The Livestrong Foundation, formerly known as the Lance Armstrong Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in US which supports victims of Cancer. It was established by a cancer survivor and former professional cyclist Lance Armstrong. The wristbands were launched by the organization in May 20004 were yellow in color made of silicone.

Livestrong wristbands were, at the outset, used to raise awareness about cancer and support the affected people. But there has originated another thoughtful use. They can be used as chemical monitoring devices to record the chemical compounds in the environment which are inhaled by us every day. Rest is done by the professional institutes but a part of the process happens by merely wearing these wristbands by wearing which, people are constantly reminded of their duty to keep their environment clean and free of pollution.

Many online companies are offering to get these Livestrong wristbands customized according to the individual requirement. They do not make any additional profit from the sale of Livestrong wristbands but only proffer the tailoring of authentic Livestrong wristbands purchased from the Livestrong foundation. So you do not need to worry about the authenticity. In fact, you would get it with improved features. For instance, if you criticize deforestation, you could get a phrase like ‘Grow more trees’ or ‘Love trees so that they love you back’ done on your Livestrong wristbands in a bright color. You could prefer green color which adds to influence of the wristbands. The onlookers would be reminded of their responsibility to take care of the planet they are living in.

These wristbands put forward two uses- dealing with environmental issues and flaunting one’s style statement. Having known an awesome use now, step forward and get your Livestrong band tailored to contribute towards a cleaner planet.

