Holiday Self Care in 7 Quick Tips

Stephanie Pitcher Fishman
4 min readNov 15, 2017

Enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas without the chronic illness flare

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

When you have a chronic illness or deal with chronic pain, the holidays can take a big toll on our energy reserves. It’s even more important than normal to make sure you give yourself time for some self care.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for family memories, but all the cooking and preparations can really wear you down when you live with a chronic illness or chronic pain. The holiday season can take a big toll on our energy reserves. We get run down which leads to a flare at the worst time possible.

It’s time to focus on self care now before the holidays begin.

Let’s review: Self care covers all those things that you to reduce stress, give your body rest, and take care of yourself. And, it’s normal (so stop feeling guilty.)

The holidays don’t leave a lot of time for this, but with a few small tweaks to your routine you can fit it it. Follow these fast tips to make sure that you give your own body the gift of time this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

Tip #1: Write down your schedule.

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Stephanie Pitcher Fishman

Writer with chronic illnesses, a mid-life baby, and a coffee habit. Author of Finding Eliza. Writes about writing, books, and life at