Your Kids Won’t Remember What Was in the Box

Stephanie Pitcher Fishman
5 min readNov 30, 2017

Rethinking how we celebrate Christmas

It seems like adult conversations in the weeks leading up to Christmas are always the same: What are you getting the kids?

This sentence strikes fear and embarrassment in my core. I’m an indie author and freelance writer. What that means is I’m actually a stay-at-home mom who writes for a living during nap time and after the house has gone to bed. My life isn’t terribly lucrative even if it is blessed.

What am I getting my kids? Probably less than you are getting yours.

When I had my youngest at 42 (and 19 years after my oldest), I expected to be questioned about certain things like my age and my fertility. What I didn’t expect was to question myself about my parenting choices. And, I have.

I question how and why I do everything as a parent. Our celebration at Christmas is not immune to the same scrutiny my choice of discipline undergoes.

With our youngest being less than two, we are setting up the traditions and expectations for her future holidays. She won’t be aware of what it all means this year, but what we do now will become a habit so it’s important for us to form now how we’d like it to be in ten years.



Stephanie Pitcher Fishman

Writer with chronic illnesses, a mid-life baby, and a coffee habit. Author of Finding Eliza. Writes about writing, books, and life at