How Social Media is killing Our Soul.

Gaurav Sharma
4 min readAug 22, 2023



Before I start , I want to you know that I used to be addicted to Instagram but at the same time I am trying hard to stay away from it. I am like 60% on my way.

The one thing that keeps you away from becoming socially great is social media. Majorly apps like Insta , FB and tik-tok.

It’s hard to believe that we are being played by the people to achieve a higher source income.

My friend was so indulged in getting followers that she disrespected her diet/sleep and had to go through serious treatment.

It is surprising that depressions,anxiety and stress are on rise and one of the main fault is Social Media.

I do understand that for business purpose it is a great way to advertise about products and services.There are also fake and Non-real accounts that only want to gain followers to sell a worthless course or maybe to fake their daily life through shots to gain following for some brand endorsements.

I am not saying that it is not good and not judging anyone’s course or profile but this effects you and people like you alot.Some are using social media to spread posts and shots that might cause some bad issues on the name of religion and political aspect.(which is actually not needed)

We live in a era of influencers and informations.Due to absence of honesty and truthfulness much of the content on social media is not even real , yet you are consuming it and being jealous about why can’t I be like him?, Or why can’t I am getting that kind of gain?, And so on. (Main source of anxiety according to me.)

Influencers and Kid-fluencers!!!

Since when our emotions became so valueless that just a emoji can make it up easily. What about those feelings we feel.

Let’s understand it with a example.

Some people opened a channel or a broadcast kind of thing where they are doing disgusting pranks and gaining followers which makes them influencers. Is that right for you. Not by ethics but naturally also it is not a great thing. People just want followers even if they don’t know the information they are giving is even true or not, not realising that there is difference between telling and doing. Our world is

self- centred now a days. So, You need to be cautious about it. Alot of money laundering scams are happening through social media and internet.

It is not hard to understand that we are living in a age of abolishment that we created.(not my quote)

Some parents manage kids social media account and post like everyday just to make them some kind of social media celebrity aka kidfluencer. They do not know that instead of teaching how to survive, swim and be confident, they are making them under confident and non-social. One thing I realised that you can’t get good communicater unless you go out in the world and try. The world is self centered and when your children will grew at an age where they have to go to college or search a job. They will realise what they learnt is not that useful (unless you become some youtuber or some video editor.) Then also the world is cruel where the fact “you see the world as you are” does not apply. So it is more important to train them for future and also to let them join other kids at the park to play and spend time with. Let them have experience and taste of what the world feel like at an age which is correct.

Do not accept this reel culture at all because it destroys our consciousness and attention span.

Time is a important thing and spending it to watch reels is like (Loss.2X). So about all the problems now few solutions by which we can use to decrease the effect of social media in our life.

1.Value your time and use it for something you do like not to watch other going to vacations(reels watching) and being anxious about it.

2.limit your social media time and use social media for conservative purpose only. Follow people who are real influencers means they teach you something or whatever information they are giving is already verified by them.

3.If you don’t have a business then build your business and then build the social media page for it.

4. Don’t post each and every moments of your life on social media instead in those moment try to blend up socially around where you are in reality.

5.Don’t make everything your interest. Be specific what you want and follow that on social media.

6. Teach your kid about finance and survival.Things they do not teach at school. Let them be kid for a while they age. Spend time and let him/her pursue her own interest. You can make him/her an influencer but just don’t play with their routine child life. Make them learn good sanskars and limit their time on social media and trust in them.

