The FTQs (Frequently Thought Questions)

Charu Agrawal
2 min readApr 14, 2020



Modi announced extension of lockdown to 03 May 2019!

-What should we do if we lose our job? You can lose your job but you just cannot afford to lose your hope! Try finding a new one asap! It’s easy to type it out but difficult to execute. You knock every door there is, call out every person you know, but don’t give up! They will answer!

- What to do if there’s food crisis? Well currently it isn’t, so grab as much to survive till June 2020! Do not hoard!

- The stock market’s crashed, what to do? Number 1: Stop worrying, Number 2: If you have extra money, invest wisely with informed decision, if you are already in loss, you can’t do much! Let it go for long term

- I feel depressed at home! Get involved heavily in multiple work, learn things you wanted to do with set goals and learn it yourself, either through Youtube or online classes. But ensure they are free or with minimal charges, don’t spend more.

- I was going to get married in April 2020! Hang in there! You might be the luckiest person! Saving up all of your money can lead to you enjoying an awesome international trip later! And even if you wanted the big fat wedding, it still possible. It is just postponed for a while. I understand you were looking forward to it, but turn this period into opportunity and you will feel great!

- I have not met my parents/ children/ spouse. Buddy! You need to live for them! This is the survival of the fittest. Your emotional fit is required. It’s few months but it will be worth, they want you safe! So give them what they want! You can make them happy from miles away!

- I still go to office!Okay! Try talking / mailing your supervisors about the concerns you are having. It’s really important for you to be safe. Ask them for facilities to ease your travel. Please take precautions still. If you are not safe, company will replace you but your family won’t be able to do that.

- What if I catch virus? You haven’t yet and you won’t if you keep your bum in your home quarantining. Strictly stay in bed and watch Netflix to keep off such thoughts. It works.

- Working from home is boring! I know sweetie, why do you think I write?

Any other thought that comes to your mind? Do write me back :)



Charu Agrawal

Writer who likes to write on Finance, Relationships & Travel