Seth Swanson
2 min readJul 27, 2016


I really don’t think I need to. I mean…have you listened to Trump? Really listened to him? That doesn’t scare the ever-living piss out of you?

But fine, you want an argument for Hillary that doesn’t mention Trump? Here you go.

Bernie supporters seem to think that if he’d been elected president the country would have been changed into a progressive utopia overnight. Colleges would be free, as would health care, and injustices that have plagued our system for decades would have vanished in the last half of January as a shining new age dawned.

Wasn’t going to happen. Wasn’t ever going to happen.

What would have happened is that Bernie would have nominated minimum 2 liberal judges to the supreme court. Ideally, he’d have a democratic house and senate to work with as well, and we’d move the country gradually in a more progressive direction. There would be a couple really good victories, maybe college tuition, and another big advance in health care.

Most likely, after those big victories the republicans would seize congress again and the country would have been caught in a deadlock for another four years (assuming that Bernie could pull another election in).

Hillary Clinton will be able to do all that. Believe it or not, Bernie has been successful in bringing more progressive policies to the democratic table. Just look at their official policy positions this time around. Will she be as idealistic as Bernie? No. But she might be more effective.

Hillary has more experience at his level of government than any other candidate. Hate you all you want, but she’s been hated since before I was in high school and she’s still there. She can take the hits, she can dish them right back. In terms of experience she can’t be beat, and if I can’t get Bernie to fight for the things I believe in, then I’ll sure as hell take Hillary. One step forward isn’t as good as three, but I’ll take the one step. Then we’ll take another. And another. Hillary Clinton is your next step.



Seth Swanson

I'm a guy. Every now and again I get an idea and I write it down. Often, I get carrried away. I'm also making @WordKeeperAlpha.