Unleash Your Inner Unicorn: How to Build a Magical Author Platform

The Writing Income Handbook
3 min readFeb 26, 2023
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

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As a writer, building an author platform is essential for establishing a brand, promoting your work, and connecting with readers. Your platform can include various online and offline components, from social media profiles to speaking engagements, and it’s up to you to decide which elements will work best for your brand. In this post, we’ll discuss the key steps for building an effective author platform that will help you reach your writing goals.

Define Your Brand

Before you start building your author platform, it’s crucial to define your brand. Your brand is the unique personality and voice that sets you apart from other writers, and it’s what readers will remember and connect with. Think about your writing style, your preferred genre, and your target audience. How do you want readers to perceive you? What values do you stand for? Answering these questions will help you create a clear and consistent brand identity that will attract and retain readers.

Create a Website

One of the most crucial components of your author platform is your website. Your website serves as…



The Writing Income Handbook

A comprehensive resource for writers looking to turn their passion into a profitable career. Tips, strategies, and expert advice for your writing business.