The 5 Best Apps And Websites To Help You Find A Workout Buddy

Donald A.
4 min readDec 12, 2022


Credits: Image by victorfreitas from unsplash

Most people who want to get in shape know they need to exercise regularly. But let’s face it — exercising can be boring, especially if you have to do it alone. That’s where a workout buddy comes in! A workout buddy is someone who will help you stay motivated and accountable.

The best part about having a workout buddy is finding one who matches your fitness level, interests, and schedule. Luckily, several apps and websites can help you find the perfect workout buddy. Keep reading to learn about the five best apps and websites to help you find a workout buddy!

Exercising is Better With a Friend

Exercising with a friend has several benefits.

First, it can make exercising more enjoyable. When you have someone to chat with, the time will fly by!

Second, it can help you stay motivated. It’s easy to skip a workout when you’re working out alone, but it’s harder to do when you have someone counting on you.

Third, a workout buddy can hold you accountable. If you’re trying to lose weight or get in shape, it’s helpful to have someone who will check in on you and ensure you’re sticking to your goals. Fourth, exercising with a friend can give you a competitive edge. You can push yourself to new heights by working out with a friend if you like competition.

Last but not least, exercising with a friend can be more fun! Working with a friend can help you spice things up if you’re bored with your current workout routine.

The 5 Best Apps and Websites to Help You Find a Workout Buddy

There are many apps and websites that can help you find a workout buddy. Here are 5 of the best:

1. Fit Buddies: This app is designed to help you find a workout buddy who lives near you. You can search for someone with similar fitness goals, interests, and schedules. Fit Buddies also has a feature that allows you to message and chat with your potential workout buddies.

2. Workout Buddies: This app is similar to Fit Buddies, but it also allows you to find workout partners for specific activities, like running, biking, or hiking. You can also search for people with similar fitness levels, interests, and schedules.

3. Meetup: This website is a great way to find workout buddies who share your interests. Meetup is a network of millions of people worldwide who connect to do things they love. There are many different groups on Meetup, so you’re sure to find one for your interests.

4. Facebook: Believe it or not, Facebook can be a great way to find a workout buddy. There are many groups on Facebook for people with similar interests, so you’re sure to find one that’s right for you. You can also search for people who live near you and have similar fitness goals.

5. Craigslist: Craigslist is a website where people can post classified ads. You can use Craigslist to find a workout buddy who lives near you. Just search for “workout buddy” in the “community” section.

Credits: Image by brucemars from unsplash

How to Use These Apps and Websites to Find a Workout Buddy

Now that you know the best apps and websites to help you find a workout buddy, you might wonder how to use them. Here are some tips:

When using an app or website to find a workout buddy, fill out your profile completely: This will help you find someone who is a good match for you.

Be specific about what you want in a workout buddy: Do you want someone with similar fitness goals? Interests? Schedules? The more specific you are, the easier it will be to find a good match.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to potential workout buddies: Once you find someone who looks like a good match, send them a message or chat.

Meet in person before you commit to working out together: This is important for safety reasons. It’s also a good way to make sure you’re compatible.

Set some ground rules before working out together: You should agree on a time, place, and frequency for your workouts.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Workout Buddy

Once you’ve found a workout buddy, there are a few things you can do to make the most of your relationship:

Set Some Goals

Having specific goals will help you stay motivated and on track.

Be Honest With Each Other

Let your workout buddy know if you need help sticking to your goals. They can help you stay on track.

Be Supportive

Help your workout buddy reach their goals by being supportive.

Hold Each Other Accountable

If one of you starts to slack and misses a scheduled run, call them as soon as you can afterward instead of waiting for them to call you. This can help build rapport, eliminate inconsistency, and help you stay with your scheduled fitness plan.

Start and End Your Workout At a Similar Time

Most people going to the gym don’t want to wait around for hours to get going, and ending at random times of the day can not only make you miss a time slot but leave you feeling frustrated.

Build Long-Term Relationships

Making good exercise partners is about creating sustainable long-term relationships that won’t leave you feeling angry and disappointed. Taking the time to find partners that fit you best isn’t that difficult, and remember that fitness should be fun.



Donald A.

Writing is my passion. Besides writing for various publications, I enjoy traveling and learning new things. It's always a pleasure to share my stories.