The discovery of ancient Roman-era swords and javelins near the Dead Sea sheds light on the Bar Kokhba revolt

Jenn Peretz
2 min readSep 7, 2023


In a remarkable archaeological discovery, Israeli researchers have unveiled four well-preserved Roman-era swords and a javelin, recovered from a cave near the shores of the Dead Sea. These artifacts have been hidden in the cave’s depths for nearly 1,900 years and are believed to have played a significant role during the Bar Kokhba revolt, a historic Jewish uprising against the Roman Empire in the second century.

The announcement of this discovery, made by archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority, marks a momentous occasion for the field of archaeology and historical understanding in Israel. The weapons provide invaluable insights into the tumultuous period of the Bar Kokhba revolt, which took place between 132 and 136 CE.

Eitan Klein, the director of the Israel Antiquities Authority, emphasized the significance of the find, calling it “a very unique and important discovery, which is unprecedented in Israel.” He added that the discovery of these ancient weapons helps shed light on the challenges faced by Jewish rebels in their struggle for independence during the Roman occupation.

The Bar Kokhba revolt, also known as the Second Jewish-Roman War, was a pivotal event in the history of ancient Judea. Led by Simon Bar Kokhba, Jewish rebels fiercely opposed Roman rule and sought to establish an independent Jewish state. The newly discovered weapons are believed to have been wielded by these rebels during their uprising.

The artifacts, which include four swords and a javelin, offer tantalizing glimpses into the weaponry and tactics employed by the Jewish rebels. These items also serve as a testament to the determination and resilience of those who fought for their beliefs and independence.

The Dead Sea region, known for its unique preservation conditions, has yielded numerous archaeological treasures over the years. However, the discovery of these Roman-era weapons provides a fresh perspective on a critical period in Jewish history, offering researchers and historians the opportunity to better understand the dynamics of the Bar Kokhba revolt.



Jenn Peretz

Writer and content creator telling stories in any medium that will have me. Story coach, producer, and content strategist