Cannabis Transformed My Sex Life

Marijuana both relaxes our sexual organs and enhances our erogenous sensations. That it’s still illegal in some states is illogical.

Elle Silver
Soccer Domme


Photo by Dimitri Bång on Unsplash

My boyfriend and I have just left the restaurant where we’ve eaten a delicious meal. We’re waiting to cross the street when he takes out a joint and lights it. We smoke as we walk to our favorite dispensary. The cannabis enhances our journey. The colored lights of the Los Angeles downtown cityscape glow all the more brightly. The air feels warmer and more comforting; the city sounds lull.

When we arrive at the dispensary, now open for the sale of recreational marijuana in the state of California, we enter the brightly lit store. Young sales associates rush around to guide customers to the right purchase. The dispensary boasts expertly packaged products and tasteful displays. Clearly a lot of money is going into this industry, but it’s not just so people can get high. Quite a few products target sexual health, which is why my boyfriend and I are there.

Our sex life has greatly benefited thanks to marijuana. That some politicians continue to tout marijuana as a dangerous gateway drug or an example of moral decrepitude is ridiculous. Cannabis helps couples feel closer and therefore be more stable. Focus on the family



Elle Silver
Soccer Domme

L.A.-based writer. It's all about ME! Reluctant health advocate. Self-proclaimed relationship expert. Please, don't take my advice.