editorBook Review: Indian from the InsideThis is a revised version of a book review of McPherson and Rabb’s Indian From the Inside: Native American Philosophy and Cultural Renewal…Feb 20Feb 20
editorinSpirit CanoeBook Review: Clothed-in-Fur and Other TalesThis is a revised version of a book review submitted for a course, Native Worldviews , in the Indigenous Learning Department at Lakehead…Feb 18Feb 18
editorBook Review: Clothed-in-FurThis is a revised version of a book review of Overholt and Callicott’s Clothed-in-fur and Other Tales : An Introduction to an Ojibwa World…Feb 18Feb 18
editorinSpirit CanoeOjibwe Naming CeremonyVarious resources found online for Ojibwe Naming Ceremony. No claims of cultural authenticity are implied here, but simply gathered for…Dec 29, 2017Dec 29, 2017
editorHacked! The Pics & SourcesHere are some of the pics used for the Ashley Madison story, click ‘source’ to go to their originating web source…Jan 8, 2017Jan 8, 2017