WriteSome App — How To Make The Most Out of It

From Writer Awards to Medals and from Trophies to Coins, WriteSome has a lot to offer to writers and readers

WriteSome App
3 min readJul 23, 2022

WriteSome is a mobile app to discover & share original stories and poetry. With users in more than 45 countries, its community is thriving and becoming the preferred place for amateur writers to share their work.

WriteSome is a mobile app to discover & share original stories and poetry.
With Writer Awards, Coins, medals and Referrals, WriteSome App has a lot to offer.

But WriteSome is not only about amateur writers writing and readers reading their work. The whole ecosystem of WriteSome is focused on encouraging the community members to interact and share feedback regularly and writers to the become better writers every day with some great features like:

  • Writer Awards
  • Writer coins
  • Referral program
  • WriteSome Medals

All these great features make it a great app for the writing community to come together and thrive.

Here’s a detailed explainination of each of these features:

Writer Awards

WriteSome’s Writer Awards are digital rewards that can be transferred by the reader to the writer of posts. Giving an award is a way to show appreciation for an exceptionally well-written story or poetry written by a writer on WriteSome. You can read about them in detail in this link.

Here’s a video to show how you can give awards to fellow writers and appreciate their work:

WriteSome App now allows you to give awards to other writers. This is a video explaining the same.
WriteSome Awards — How to give awards to writers

Writer Coins

Writesome’s Writer Coins are our virtual goods that you can use to give awards as explained earlier to exceptional writers for their poems and stories.

You get 200 writer coins for free when you sign-up on WriteSome and can get 1,000 free coins in total when you refer the WriteSome app to your friends (more on that later in this article).

Here’s how you can buy coins once your balance is low:

This video tells how users can buy writer coins on the WriteSome App
How to buy writer coins on WriteSome

Referral Program

As explained above, you get 200 writer coins for free when you sign-up but here’s how you can get 1,000 more for free when you refer the app to your friends:

WriteSome Medals

Medals are a way of rewarding our users for writing and reading posts. Users can see them in their profiles as they achieve these milestones. WriteSome automatically awards them to users once they hit certain milestones which depends on how many posts have clapped on, how many posts have you written and how frequently you share your feedback in comments.

You can read more in detail about Medals her in this link.

Or you can watch this video with a detailed explanation:

WriteSome App’s Medals explained

Other than these, WriteSome regularly comes out with its poetry collection books written by the users of the app. Poems are selected by the teams and books are published globally to give great writers a chance to be noticed.

You can check out the collections released so far here.

If you’ve not got WriteSome App so far, get it now and become a part of our global community of writers and readers. You can download the app on iOS here and on Android here.



WriteSome App

WriteSome is an app to discover & share original poetry and stories.