Do You Hate Cold Emailing? These 5 Markets Want to Pay You to Write

Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2017


By Paul Sapiano from San Diego, USA (Viva Piñata) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The toughest part of being a freelance writer is often finding clients or markets. For many freelancers, looking for clients is a continual cycle.

If you want to get paid for your writing, cold emailing is one way to go about it. But cold emailing sucks and the payoff — a paying client — is so random.

You spend hours gathering contact info. And send out email after email with your best pitch. In return you get….nothing but crickets.

With cold emailing, there’s no way to control whether a potential client responds or even opens your email. Many times, you don’t even know if they are looking for writers right now. Or if they pay writers.

It’s like trying to hit a moving pinata while blindfolded.

You know there’s candy in a pinata somewhere. So you swing in the darkness and hope you are swinging in the right direction.

But if you swing in the right direction, you still have to hit hard enough AND in the right area to break open the pinata. With pinatas, sometimes you swing hard but in the wrong direction. The same is true for cold emailing. You may swing hard (great pitch) but in the wrong direction (wrong market or client).

But when everything lines up and you get it all right, a pinata scatters your sweet reward on the ground at your feet. The goodness is yours for the taking (unless one of your friends is faster and greedier of course).

But take hope my fellow writers. There is a better way than cold emailing.

Kiss cold emailing goodbye.

I’m about to show you how to rig the odds in your favor. Yep.

When you submit your writing to markets you know want writers in your specialty topics, you tip the odds in your favor. Now your facing that pinata. It’s right there in front of you.

When you submit only to markets you know are paying writers, your odds get even better. No more moving pinata.

It’s time to change the odds.

Choose from these 5 Markets Who Want to Pay You to Write

  1. Atlanta Parent Magazine

2. Reader’s Digest

3. My Itchy Travel Feet

4. Gray’s Sporting Journal

5. Ceoworld Magazine

In case none of these 5 markets get you facing that pinata, I’ve include a bonus aggregate site below you can explore for more suggestions.

What you do now is up to you. If you’ve been sending cold emails daily, I suggest you replace them with some of these more targeted markets.

Face the pinata.

Then swing (pitch) hard and wait for the goodies to fall.

Good luck. Follow me on Medium for 5 more Paying Writers Markets plus a bonus resource every Saturday.



Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder

Freelance writer & tech coach. Grammi of 10. I use affiliate links. Get Market Mondays free