#365DaysOfWriting – Day 162

We’re already halfway past October

Kung Fu Panda
1 min readOct 17, 2016

Just where has this year disappeared? Even though September felt like a month that was never going to end, well, it has ended (someone wake up Billy Joe Armstrong please), and we’re on 17th October today.

Is it because we’ve started living weekend-to-weekend?

Today’s struggle is all about getting to the next weekend or holiday. We hope for weekdays to pass by quickly, and weekends/holidays to pass by slowly. From our perspective, the opposite happens. And in that scramble is where I believe time is lost. I’ve felt this way for the past 8 years (although I have worked weekends too on occasion).

Whatever happened to Carpe Diem?

Or ‘seize the day’, as ancient Latin translators and Robin Williams (RIP) would have us believe? More than seize the day, we’re willing to let it slip by if it doesn’t interest us. And in trying to snatch whatever little of the ‘holiday’ is left, we lose that quickly too.

It is said that life is counted in the number of breaths we take.

Now don’t give me the Hitch counter-argument of ‘it’s about how many moments take your breath away’. In a literal sense, life isn’t exactly the number of years we live, just how many breaths we take. That’s why some yogis are able to live beyond 100. They are able to slow down their breath to the extent of stopping it, even.

Maybe that’s what we need to do. Just take deep breaths and slow down…



Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.