#365DaysOfWriting — Day Five

Kung Fu Panda
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2016

It’s been a bit hectic today, which is why I’m putting up this post so late. My day got off to a pretty good start though. My cousin brother gave me a nice surprise — the Marvel Kotobukiya ArtFX+ Hulk statue (click here to see what it looks like), based on concept art by one of the comic book industry greats, Adi Granov. It is a priceless, beautiful piece (which makes me wonder why he wanted to part with it in the first place — in his words, he ‘was bored of it’).

In case I haven’t told you already, I’m hugely into books, movies and collectibles — action figures, statues and the like.

Yes, I’ve already been asked ‘how old are you, again?’ and ‘why do you waste money on them?’ But then, you wouldn’t ask someone who had a collection of vintage cars why they had that collection, would you? Or watches? Or maybe you’re that kind of person who questions everything, eh?

I digress. Anyway, back to the original point I was making — I am a collector. I collect books (of all kinds — novels, comic books, short stories, autobiographies, etc.), movies (DVDs earlier, BluRays now), and collectibles (again, all kinds — action figures, statues, merchandise, etc.). Now I am no Taneleer Tivan (refer to Guardians of the Galaxy if you can’t recollect his name), but collecting all of these things and consuming them makes me feel happy.

It’s my drug, my addiction. I get a happy high from collecting and consuming all of these beautiful things. It’s therapeutic.

I am still questioned. My parents (mom especially) are always on my back, asking me stuff like “Why do you need it? Why not invest the money into something more useful?” (Okay, they haven’t asked me that when it came to buying books, but they did ask me the question when it came to action figures). To them, I only say,

“THIS is my investment. My investment in creative freedom and imagination. And I get that by spending it on these things. It’s a hobby. It’s the kick I get out of life.”

Speaking of which, two books just got delivered to the office (I got them off Amazon’s lightning sales). You can see them here. As you can see, this isn’t going to stop. I hope it never does.

Someday, I hope to be the Willy Wonka of books and figures. And I’ll invite five special children to my museum-library. Only one will be good enough to take over the reins of my empire…



Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.