#365DaysOfWriting – Day Nineteen

Getting a summer cold is quite… sickening (pun intended).

Kung Fu Panda
1 min readMay 27, 2016

It’s been a slow day. It began with me going to the doctor to get medicines for my irritating summer cold. Then I settled down by starting to read The Multiversity (DC Comics – I’ll review it soon). Now, I’m watching the IPL.

Back to the topic at hand – isn’t it irritating when you get a cold during this humid, hot and icky weather?

A simple Google search throws up a million tips on how to combat this wearisome problem. And oh, it is wearisome indeed. Even when I’m hale and hearty, I sweat like a bear in a sauna. Now imagine a boa constrictor around this bear’s neck, and a clothes clip on its nostrils, and you’ve got a fair idea of what it feels like.

Life becomes a series of handkerchief and tissue interventions – hankies to wipe the sweat, and tissues to clean up your nose.

My handkerchief becomes a puddle of pulp at the end of a long day outdoors. And God knows how many trees I kill with the boxes of tissues I dispose of.

How do you tackle it? Here’s a useful little article.

I think I’ll stop now. Summer colds can really take a lot out of you. However, you can show me some warmth by tapping the little green heart at the bottom.



Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.