#365DaysOfWriting — Day Thirteen

Kung Fu Panda
2 min readMay 21, 2016


Day Thirteen. Lucky for some, unlucky for some, they say. I say it’s just a number, and you make your own luck.

Can you really define luck though?

Or is luck all about perception? Take the case of the Felix Felicis potion in the Half Blood Prince — it was only Ron’s PERCEPTION of having had the potion that made him do well in the Quidditch game. Harry never really mixed it in his food/drink. So does ‘luck’ really boil down to self-confidence and believing in yourself? And doing the brave things because ‘fortune favours the brave’?

Too simple. How do you explain lottery wins? Is THAT pure luck? What about own goals in football? Is that bad luck?

I suppose the very basis of life is luck, isn’t it?

You’re one of a million sperms that won the ‘race’. And the family you get born into — yeah, that’s luck all right. But then some children with the platinum spoons in their mouth are not really happy, and some of the ‘not-so-privileged’ ones actually are. So who’s the lucky one here then?

I, for one, consider myself lucky. I have a supportive family, great friends and a job that I love. But am I 100% satisfied? No. There are still a lot of things that go on in my life that I attribute to luck. There’s still so much I want to go my way.

So then, how does one go about making luck?

Yes, how do you make your own luck? The first thing you need to do is — give the tasks in your control 100% effort. No slacking, no letting up. Hey, even if it doesn’t work out, you at least know it wasn’t for lack of effort, right? NEVER HAVE A ‘I WISH I HAD’ SITUATION IN YOUR LIFE. Secondly, if you’re into the whole God worship and faith thing, it helps to pray sometimes. I’ve seen prayers give people that extra little kick of confidence. It’s all about sending positive signals to your mind. Finally, if a situation doesn’t go your way EVEN after you’re done with points 1 and 2, learn from it and MOVE ON. People find it really hard to move on from failures. But that only adds to your ‘bad luck’ — you will never be in a frame of mind to do anything new, and you end up blaming your stars, destiny, whatever.

Don’t do that. Make your own luck. And on that lucky note, I sign off on Day Thirteen. Do you like what you read? If I’m lucky, you’ll like it, and tap the little green heart at the bottom of the article. *Fingers crossed*



Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.