#365DaysOfWriting – Day Thirty-Nine

Don’t let me be misunderstood!

Kung Fu Panda
2 min readJun 16, 2016

That’s the name of a track by Santa Esmeralda from Kill Bill Vol. 1. And it’s my favourite from the entire album.

Quentin Tarantino knows how to use music in his films. I won’t get into the style v substance debate (which happens 9 times out of 10 for a Tarantino film), but he scores over most other directors because he uses music so cleverly. That’s his genius.

The track is almost 10 minutes long. You can listen to part of it here, during the epic climax battle between The Bride and O-Ren Ishii (still the best fight in both volumes put together – I give the Crazy 88 fight only the no. 2 spot).

Now I know most people prefer Nancy Sinatra’s Bang Bang or Zamfir’s gorgeous Lonely Shepherd, but Esmeralda’s Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood comes at a very important time in the movie – it’s almost egging The Bride and O-Ren Ishii on to give us an epic finale. And they clearly want to kill each other – no misunderstanding there. And it is such a motivating song – it could actually push anyone to pick a fight in a badass way.

The original song, as I said, is 10 minutes long – and at no point will you get bored. You can imagine a long drawn out, bloody battle between the two women.

I love the fact that my partner, Sanika Tillway, loves this film as much as I do. Knowing her, she probably prefers Bang Bang. ;)

What’s your favourite soundtrack from a film? Do let me know! And tap that little green heart at the bottom if you like what I’ve written – don’t let me be misunderstood!



Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.