#365DaysOfWriting – Day Twenty-Five

And just like that, a quarter-century is complete.

Kung Fu Panda
2 min readJun 2, 2016

I’ll be honest – I never expected to get this far. Knowing how lazy I am, I didn’t think I’d go past Day 10. But here I am!

I’ve discovered a lot about myself in these 25 days.

For one, I realised how much I had to say about the world around me – I consider myself a quiet chap mostly, but given a topic to write on, I can go on and on.

Secondly, years of writing staccato copy for digital advertising has made me lose touch with the beauty of writing in long form. It’s why I chose to review films in the first place – it’s all about the joy of writing as much as you want about what you love. Which reminds me, I have to start writing on cricket soon. It’s been too long.

I’ve also found ways to connect with the people who follow this project of mine. Although the number is minuscule, I’ve received positive feedback on some of the articles I’ve written, and that inspires me to go on.

The only drawback to all of my writing in the last 8–10 years – I’ve completely lost the art of writing by hand. I’m more a typist than a writer. I’m even comfortable typing on a mobile (I’m doing that right now). But ask me to write on paper and I will struggle.

I look forward to completing my half-century on medium. But first I must focus on getting to Day 30. As is the case with so many things in life, you need to set smaller goals to achieve the big dream.

If you’ve liked my journey so far, and what I’ve written, follow me and tap the little green heart at the bottom.



Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.