Web 3.0 app- Features and its importance in future

4 min readMar 17, 2023


Web 3.0 app- Features and its importance in future

An application running on a decentralised network, such as a blockchain, is referred to as a Web 3.0 app. Web 3.0 App also referred to as decentralised application or DApp.

Also Read:- Blockchain applications ideas for a Business Growth.

Unlike traditional web applications that depend on a central server for processing and storing data. Web 3.0 apps host and validate transactions and data using a distributed network of nodes.

Moreover, Apps built on the Web 3.0 platform are intended to be more durable, transparent, and secure than older apps.

And in order to facilitate trustless interactions between parties, without the need for middlemen or centralised authority, they frequently combine cryptographic protocols and smart contracts.

In this article we will read about web 3.0 features and what does the future holds?

Web 3.0 features

Web 3.0 features

These are some of the primary features of Web 3.0:


The shift towards decentralisation is one of Web 3.0’s most important features.

Web 3.0 is based on decentralised networks, including blockchain technology, which allow for trustless transactions and data exchange, as compared to relying on centralised servers and platforms.


Regardless of the technology or platform that any application or service uses, Web 3.0 is built to make it possible for them to operate together effortlessly.

With this, users are no longer constrained by segregated systems and are free to share data and engage with a variety of services.

Semantic Web

Web 3.0 use semantic information to make data more meaningful and intelligible to machines. With this, data can be integrated and arranged in a way that makes it possible for intelligent search and analysis, producing more specialised and pertinent results.

Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is projected to make Web 3.0 more intelligent. Task automation, data analysis, and tailored suggestions and insights are all possible with AI.

Privacy and Security

Compared to the present web, Web 3.0 is intended to be more private and secure. Smart contracts, decentralisation, and cryptography is used to safeguard user data and stop unlawful access and manipulation.

How can we use Web 3.0 in our daily life?

Web 3.0 in our daily life

Decentralized finance (DeFi)

Web 3.0 makes it possible to develop decentralised finance (DeFi) apps, which can offer access to financial services without the use of middlemen or centralised authority.

Stablecoins, lending platforms, and decentralised exchanges are a few examples of Web 3.0 DeFi applications.

People can handle their funds in a way that is more open, safe, and economical.

Decentralized storage and sharing

Web 3.0 makes it possible to build systems for decentralised storage and sharing, including IPFS and the Dat protocol.

People can store and exchange data in a form that is more secure, private, and resistant to censorship by utilising these technologies.

Decentralized social media

The development of decentralised social media platforms like Mastodon and Steemit is made possible by Web 3.0.

Without the aid of centralised authorities or advertising, individuals may communicate with one another through the usage of these platforms in a way that is more community-driven and privacy-focused.

Ownership and control of digital assets

Creation of digital assets that are owned and controlled by individuals as opposed to centralised authority is made possible by Web 3.0.

Digital assets from Web 3.0 include decentralised domains and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

People can have more control over their online identities and intellectual property by making use of these resources.

Smart contracts

Web 3.0 makes it possible to create smart contracts, which automate agreements and transactions without the use of middlemen or centralised authority.

Web 3.0 Future

In comparison to the present web, Web 3.0 claims to be more decentralised, intelligent, and safe.

Moreover, Future versions of Web 3.0 may make it possible for decentralised technologies like peer-to-peer networks and blockchain to power a new generation of apps and services.

More privacy, transparency, and data control over their personal information may be made available to users through these apps, along with novel methods to engage with other people and digital assets.

Moreover, Web 3.0 may make it possible to develop new, more effective, egalitarian, and sustainable economic models and systems.

Bottom line

From banking to healthcare to social media, Web 3.0 apps have the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries.

They can increase data privacy and security, lower transaction costs, and allow new business models.

To become extensively used, they first must overcome a variety of technical and legal obstacles as they are still in the early phases of development.

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