What machine learning techniques are used in speech recognition?

3 min readAug 1, 2023


Speech recognition, sometimes referred to as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or Speech-to-Text (STT), transforms spoken words into written text. It is essential to many applications, including virtual assistants, transcription services, voice-controlled systems, and others. In order to manage the complexity of spoken language and achieve high accuracy, voice recognition uses a variety of machine learning techniques.

The following are some of the essential methods:

Machine learning techniques

Machine learning techniques in speech recognition

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)

For many decades, HMMs have been the cornerstone of speech recognition techniques. HMMs are used in ASR to model the statistical characteristics of speech signals and represent phonemes, the fundamental building blocks of speech sounds.

In order to recognise sequential data like voice signals, HMMs must be able to capture temporal relationships and fluctuations in speech.

Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs)

The probability distributions of feature vectors derived from voice signals are frequently modelled using GMMs in combination with HMMs.The mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), for instance, are represented by these feature vectors.

GMMs aid in estimating the probability of feature vectors given the states of the HMM, increasing the general accuracy of ASR systems.

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)

DNNs have been an effective tool for voice recognition, transforming the industry with appreciable gains in accuracy. DNNs are used to extract complex representations and patterns from unprocessed voice data.

To map input audio properties to phonemes or sub-word units for ASR, DNNs can be employed as acoustic models.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Another significant class of neural networks used in ASR is RNNs. They can keep internal memory, which makes them suitable for processing data in sequence.

In order to capture context and temporal relationships in speech, speech recognition systems frequently utilise the RNN variants Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU).

Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

CTC allows enables the training of sequence-to-sequence models, like RNNs, without the need for explicit input-output alignments. It is frequently employed in end-to-end voice recognition.

In which the model directly maps auditory characteristics to text, excluding any necessary intermediary phonetic or language representations.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

CNNs have been used in voice recognition, particularly in acoustic modelling, despite being primarily connected with picture recognition. From spectrograms or other time-frequency representations of speech data, CNNs can extract regional patterns and audio characteristics.

Transformer-based Models

Transform-based models, including the Transformer architecture and its variations like BERT and GPT, have shown promising results in a number of NLP tasks, including ASR.

These models are useful for voice recognition tasks that call for long-range dependencies because they make use of self-attention mechanisms to capture global dependencies and context.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning is a strategy for optimising pre-trained models for particular ASR tasks using huge speech corpora. ASR systems benefit from transfer learning, especially when there is a lack of training data.

Beam Search Decoding

Beam Search is a method used in ASR to determine the most likely sequence of words given the output probabilities of the sound model. Beam search increases the accuracy of ASR by taking several hypotheses into account when decoding.


To attain innovative performance in current ASR systems, a mixture of these machine learning algorithms is frequently utilised.

The models can develop reliable representations of spoken language and provide correct transcriptions for a variety of applications since they are trained on huge amounts of transcribed speech data.

Speech recognition systems are anticipated to improve in accuracy and versatility as research and technology grow, creating new opportunities for human-machine interaction.

