Hilarious New Year Resolutions to Start the Year with Laughter

4 min readJan 2, 2024


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As we bid farewell to another year and welcome the fresh beginnings of the New Year, it’s time to reflect on the past and set our goals for the future. While many people approach resolutions with a serious mindset, there’s no harm in injecting some humor into the mix. In this article, we’ll explore a collection of funny New Year resolutions that are sure to bring a smile to your face and lighten the mood as we embark on the journey of the year ahead.

1. Embrace My Inner Couch Potato

This year, I resolve to fully embrace my love for binge-watching and become a certified couch potato. I’ll proudly wear my sweatpants, stock up on snacks, and dedicate countless hours to my favorite TV shows. Who needs a social life when you have a cozy couch and a remote control?

2. Perfect the Art of Procrastination

Instead of fighting against my procrastination tendencies, I’m going to embrace them wholeheartedly this year. I’ll become a master of last-minute deadlines and find creative ways to avoid doing tasks until the very last moment. After all, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?

3. Become a Professional Napper

Forget about chasing after success and climbing the corporate ladder. This year, I’m dedicating myself to becoming a professional napper. I’ll perfect the art of the power nap, explore different nap locations, and even experiment with advanced techniques like the “desk nap” and the “car nap.” Who needs productivity when you can have a well-rested soul?

4. Develop a Signature Dance Move

I’ve always admired celebrities and their unique dance moves, so this year, I’m determined to develop my own signature dance move. Whether it’s the “Funky Chicken” or the “Synchronized Shimmy,” I’ll hit the dance floor with confidence and style. Who knows, maybe I’ll even catch the attention of a famous choreographer!

5. Master the Art of Punny Jokes

They say laughter is the best medicine, so this year, I’m going to become a master of punny jokes. I’ll stock up on joke books, watch stand-up comedy specials, and practice delivering witty one-liners. Get ready for a year filled with laughter and groans from my friends and family!

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6. Embrace My Inner Chef (Microwave Edition)

Cooking can be a time-consuming and complicated task, but not for me this year. I’m going to embrace my inner chef, but with a twist — I’ll only use the microwave. From gourmet microwave popcorn to perfectly “baked” potatoes, I’ll prove that you don’t need a fancy kitchen to enjoy delicious meals.

7. Become a World Champion at Rock, Paper, Scissors

Forget about traditional sports; this year, I’m setting my sights on becoming a world champion at the timeless game of rock, paper, scissors. I’ll practice my strategies, study the techniques of famous players, and challenge anyone who dares to challenge my dominance. It’s time to put this childhood game on the global stage!

8. Start a Celebrity Look-Alike Club

Who needs impersonators when you can start your own celebrity look-alike club? This year, I’ll gather a group of friends who bear a striking resemblance to famous personalities and create our own exclusive club. From Brad Pitt to Beyoncé, we’ll turn heads wherever we go and confuse paparazzi with our uncanny similarities.

9. Perfect the Art of Taking Selfies

In the age of social media, taking the perfect selfie is an essential skill. This year, I’m determined to perfect the art of capturing the most flattering angles, experimenting with creative filters, and mastering the art of the selfie stick. Who knows, maybe I’ll even catch the attention of a famous photographer!

10. Become a Professional Pajama Model

Move over, runway models — it’s time for the rise of the pajama models! This year, I’m going to embrace my love for comfort and become a professional pajama model. I’ll showcase the latest trends in sleepwear, strut my stuff on the imaginary catwalk, and inspire others to prioritize comfort and style.

These funny New Year resolutions are a lighthearted way to approach the year ahead. Remember, the most important thing is to find joy and laughter in everything we do. So, whether you choose to pursue these resolutions or create your own, let’s kick off the New Year with a smile on our faces and a heart full of laughter!

