How to truly love someone

Zhi Yong
2 min readJul 6, 2024


We all heard the “I’m looking for a man in finance” Tiktok song by now .

It goes “ I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6”5, blue eyes”. To some degree, we all do this: stating what physical traits we expect from a partner, how much we expect them to earn and so on. And rightfully so, these traits provide that sense of attraction and security that forms the foundation of a lasting relationship.

But at times, I do wonder if people are so engrossed in finding out what the other person can do for them as a partner , that they forget how they themselves can be a better partner.

What value can you offer to your future partner?

You see, at the highest form of love (known of agape love), it is about making personal sacrifices. Are you able to put aside your own self interest to act for the betterment of another? I am not saying that you should completely disregard your own wellbeing in service for another; that is not healthy.

However, when the situation calls for it, are you able to make sacrifices. When Jesus laid down his life at the cross to pay for humanities sins- that showcased his love for humanity.

We do not have to make (and hopefully will not need to make) such huge sacrifices for a loved one. But, making small sacrifices for our partner- e.g. making financial sacrifices, giving up personal time to be with your partner and showcases your love, more than any diamond ring or bouqet ever would.

Agape love means that you want that person to be happy, even though that could mean you might not be together with her in the future.

So the next time you are thinking “is he the right guy/girl for me”, do not just stop there. Ask yourself, “Am I the right person for him or her. What value can I give to him/her?” That I think will serve as a firm foundation for loving another.

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Zhi Yong

Giving tips on writing, love and everything in between