A Review of All 93 Tracks on Spotify’s “Rain Sounds” Playlist

Sorted in reverse alphabetical order by artist because that’s how I accidentally sorted them

Stella J. McKenna
10 min readSep 26, 2018
image source: pexels (CC0)

If you’re wondering, “Is this a serious article?” the answer is: oh, fuck yes. Dead serious.

If you’re thinking, “I really don’t want to read this whole thing, but I do want to know what the best tracks are on Spotify’s Rain Sounds playlist,” then you’re in luck! Just look for the silver medal 🥈and gold trophy 🏆 emojis. Those mark my favorite and extra favorite rainy tracks.

Rain Against Ground

Artist: Yoga Rain
Okay rain. Ground is a little too tinny. Mildly stress-inducing. Needs less metal.

Rain Sounds Chill

Artist: Wp Sounds
Boring rain. Really boring. Literally nothing interesting nor chill about this rain. Blah white noise.

Rain Sounds

Artist: Wp Sounds
A little more fun than the previous “chill” version. But also boring. Like the same thing on loop over and over. Not a fan of this Wp Sounds.

🏆 Calm Rain & Thunder

Artist: Weather Factory
Now this my kind of rain! I love me some rain with some thunder. Also, there are some birds in the distance. I can picture the storm rolling in as the thunder goes in and out and the rain intensifies and slows. Superb rain.

Deep Thunderstorm

Artist: Weather Factory
This one is consistent. No really interesting things. But there’s thunder, so that’s good.

Forest Thunderstorm

Artist: Weather Factory
Weather Factory
is really into the thunder, apparently. More birds. But this time, they’re toucans. It says “Forest”, but this sounds like “Jungle” to me. Pretty good rain, I’ll take it.

Perfect Rain

Artist: Tranquility Spree
Title highly inaccurate. This is loud annoying rain. The kind that makes big, unavoidable puddles you need to run through on your way into work and now your coffee cup is all wet. The worst rain.

🏆 Morning Relaxation Rain

Artist: Tight Chill Creator
Totally accurate title. This rain would pair well with coffee and a toasted blueberry muffin with butter. Always butter.

🥈 Steady Rain and Thunder

Artist: Lightning, Thunder and Rainstorms
YES, OH MY GOD THAT’S GOOD THUNDER. Fantastic storm! But what the fuck this track is only 1 minute and 37 seconds and it ends very abruptly.

Monsun Thunder

Artist: Thunderstorm Sound Bank
I was expecting much more from this “Monsun”. Highly disappointing. Just regular rain.

Rain & Thunder

Artist: Thunderstorm Sound Bank
Mild thunder. Mild rain. Overall: boring.

Thunderstorm by The Waterfall

Artist: Thunderstorm Sound Bank
Ambitious title. Lots of water. Sounds like flooding. Little thunder. Needs more thunder.

Sound of Nature — Rain, Thunderstorm

Artist: Thunderstorm
This sounds like a person swimming in a pool. There’s definitely splashing. Could be a hot tub. Oh wait, now there are birds. What is even going on here? Confusing. Do not like.

Rain Downpour

Artist: Thunderstorm
Okay, no joke, now this one is a person in a shower. Do better, dude. Do better.

Music For Sleep Thunderstorm, Rain

Artist: Sound of Nature — Rain, Thunderstorm
I think Spotify has mixed-up some of the track and artist names, but honestly it doesn’t even matter because who the hell would notice except for someone writing about every track…

This one has the distinct sound of someone clanging a spoon against the side of their coffee mug. WHAT IS GOING ON? But then there’s rain? But it might be the shower again. Oh wait, there’s thunder. No, I still don’t like this one. I think it’s just a guy washing his car with the lawn hose.

Paradise Rain

Artist: Sound Sleeping
Not sure if I’m becoming more critical or if the rain is getting suckier. This rain blows.

Calming Water

Artist: Sound Library XL
Totally not fucking calming. Next please.

River Rain Fall

Artist: Sleep Tight
I don’t hear the river. Loud rain. 4/10.

Water Kissing Rain

Artist: Sleep Makers Samples
Like rain, but there’s a fan blowing in the background?

Balance Rain

Artist: Sleep Makers Samples
The vanilla of rain.

Never Ending Rain

Artist: The Sleep Helpers
Vanilla with fudge swirl.

🥈 Street Rain

Artist: The Sleep Helpers
Pretty good rain! Nice rain-hitting-sidewalk sound. The kind that makes you want to stay in bed and sleep all day. Kinda like this one.

Stormy Rain Sound

Artist: The Sleep Helpers
Now after that Street Rain, this one is just lame. Stormy? What fucking stormy? I don’t hear it.

Rain In The Bay

Artist: The Sleep Helpers
Muted rain. Foggy rain. Misty. Meh.

Exotic Rain

Artist: Serenity of Sound
I think I heard this one already. This is just plain, normal rain. Totally not exotic. Liars. All these artists are liars.

Still Night Rain

Artist: Selective Sounds PTA
Ya know what? I like the bird sounds. Who knew? Birds in the rain, now that’s really something. But there shouldn’t be birds at night so this title is once again false. This should be “Early Morning Birds” if anything. But pretty good rain. 6/10.

Spring Rain

Artist: Selective Sounds PTA
Sounds muddy.

Cozy Rain

Artist: Sample Rain Library
This ain’t nothin’ special.

Sleep and Chill Rain

Artist: Rain Storm Sample Library
Muddled rain? Like rain but you have water stuck in your ear.

🏆 Rain Sound: Wet and Stormy

Artist: Rain Sounds XLE Library
This title sounds awfully pornographic. And honestly, this one is kind of sexy. Sex rain. Totally a thing.

Moderate Rain

Artist: Rain Sounds ACE
Socially liberal but economically conservative rain. Total snoozefest.

Nature Rain: Soft Rain

Artist: Rain Sounds
Same as “Moderate Rain” but it’s falling in a field of grass.

Autumn Rain

Artist: Rain Sounds
See, I’ve never contemplated what autumn rain sounds like. But I don’t think it sounds like this. I don’t hear any rain falling on leaves. Nope.

Soothing Rain (Loopable, No fade)

Artist: Rain Sounds
This is someone showering in an outdoor shower. Oh, and there’s a little bit of wind?

Driving in the Rain

Artist: Rain Sounds
An airplane. Definitely, this is the noise inside an airplane. Points for creativity.

Forescast Rain

Artist: Rain Sounds
Terrible rain. Like bad movie sound effects. Also, there’s a typo in the title.

Dark Sky

Artist: Rain Sounds
I think there are people talking in this one? Yeah, think so. THIS IS TERRIBLE.

🏆 Under Shelter Rain

Artist: Rain Sound Studio
Oh my god I love tent rain! Yes, this is tent rain and it’s glorious. And there’s like an extra little tinkling noise. Love it.


Artist: Rain Sound Studio
This is when you’re a kid and you have the television with the bunny ears and the knob you need to literally turn, and you turn it to the buzzing gray fuzz. Buzzing rain.

Miami Rain

Artist: Rain Sound Studio
Rain that’s talking with food in its mouth.

Calmness Rain Sound

Artist: Rain Sound Studio
Nobody here seems to know what “calm” means. Pretty opposite of calm. Dislike.

Sea Rain

Artist: Rain Sound Plus
Sounds more like sidewalk rain than sea rain, but still pretty decent rain. 5/10.

City Rain

Artist: Rain Recorders
More like “Small Town Rain”. But in a good way.

Rainy Alley

Artist: Rain Recorders
Loud and crashy and not one hint of alley.

Dock Rain

Artist: Rain Recorders
Really wanted to love this one because I love me some dock rain, but this is not that. This is just regular, old dockless rain.

Cats And Dogs

Artist: Rain Recorders
Definitely heard this one already.

🏆 Heavy Straight Rain

Artist: Rain Man Sounds
Lying again because there are birds in here! Not straight rain! Rain with birds and holy shit THUNDER. This one keeps getting better and better! What is that crazy chattery bird? It’s a rainforest in here and it’s amazing! Excellent rain. I think there may be a monkey too, I don’t know. Favorite so far. Perhaps I should be listening to a “Zoo Sounds” list instead. Does that exist?? Make it so, Spotify!

Beach Rain

Artist: Rain Makers
Rain on plastic. No beach at all. STOP LYING TO ME.

Focus Rain

Artist: Rain Makers
This rain is giving me a headache.

Dripping Rain

Artist: The Rain Library
I mean, this is okay rain. It’s drippy. Tinkly. It’s good solid rain. 5/10.

Monsun Fall Rain

Artist: The Rain Library
Apparently using “Monsun” in the title indicates terrible rain. Total garbage.

White Noise Rain Sound

Artist: The Rain Library

Deep Rain

Artist: The Rain Library
Rain in a cave maybe? And the reception keeps cutting in and out.

🥈 Lush Rain

Artist: Rain Hard
Surprisingly luscious. Like wrapping a big, down blanket around yourself. There’s something cozy about this rain.

Sleep: Existing Dream

Artist: Nature Sounds XLE Library

Relaxing Constant Rain Storm with Distant Thunder Sfx

Artist: Nature Sounds
Kinda disappointing, lame-o storm.

🏆 Calm Rolling Thunder and Soothing Rain

Artist: Nature Sounds
Oh yeah, this is good. I love it when the thunder builds and grumbles and crackles. And the rain is like a nice back scratch. Definite keeper. 8/10.

Meditative Gentle Rain and Distant Thunder

Artist: Nature Sounds
I DON’T LIKE HOW THERE ARE BOTH BIRDS AND THUNDER AT THE SAME TIME. I feel like this doesn’t happen in nature? Pretty sure I’ve never heard both at the same time before. Maybe the birds near me are not brave.

Rain And Thunder

Artist: Nature Sounds
Totally unoriginal.

Hypnotic Heavy Forest Rain

Artist: Nature Sounds
Needs more forest.

Rain Gutter

Artist: Natural Sample Makers
Needs more gutter.

🥈 Thunderstorm In The Cabin

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX
Windy. The kind of thunderstorm that knocks your power out. 7/10.

Pouring Rain & Thunder

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX
Not even close to pouring. Boring rain.

Caribbean Thunderstorm

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX
Now this sounds like sea rain or beach rain. Solid. 5/10

🏆 Florida Rain Storm

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX
Thundery. But it’s far away. Definitely humid. I can hear the humid. Sounds like a tornado is coming, actually. Gloomy. Dark. This is good.

Relaxing Rain Sound

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX

Relaxation Rain

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX

Relax Sleep Rain

Artist: Mother Nature Sound FX
The rain when you decide to go to the movie theater. Not relaxing, but okay rain. There’s some sidewalk in there, too.

Summer Rain 2

Artist: Lush Rain Creators
Lake rain? Marsh rain? Something like that.

Summer Rain 1

Artist: Lush Rain Creators
Front porch rain.

Forest FX Rain

Artist: Lullaby Rain
Roof rain.

Rain Hide

Artist: Lightning, Thunder and Rain Storms
In and out, sweeping kind of rain.

Heavy Rain With Brown Noise

Artist: Heavy Rain Sounds
Terrible title. This is the rain equivalent of a small yapping dog.

🥈 Drip Drop Sleep

Artist: Gentle Rain Makers
Ooh, kind of crackly and poppy, like rain falling on a wood porch. Definitely drip droppy. 6/10

Sounds of Nature Rain

Artist: FX & Effects
Not in love with this one. Loud and clappy.

🥈 Sonidos Calmantes

Artist: FX & Effects
Reminds me of horses for some reason. Horses clomping through the mud. It’s not bad. 6/10

Smooth Rain

Artist: FX & Effects
Boring ol’ rain. Not too loud, not too soft, not too hard.

Camping Rain

Artist: Forest FX
Rain on trees, I can hear it. Trees with lots of thin, wispy branches. Gentle wind. I can dig it.

Campfire Rain

Artist: Forest FX
Like “Camping Rain” but muddier.


Artist: Fabricantes de Lluvia
No bueno.

Smooth Rain

Artist: Fabricantes de Lluvia
Not super smooth, actually. A little puddly in there. But nothing special.

Cozy Rain Sound

Artist: Fabricantes de Lluvia
Bubbly. And hot. Sort of like taking a shower.

Pouring Rain

Artist: Fabricantes de Lluvia
Yay, we’re back to birds. Or one bird, anyway. It’s a bluebird. This is loud, but good strong steady rain. The kind that both arrives and ends quickly.

River Rain

Artist: Dreams of Dreams
More birds, but these birds seem more lame. Rain is just fuzzy and blah. Not great.

🥈 Warm Forest Rain

Artist: Deep Rain Sampling
This sounds like driving through a car wash. Gurgling and bubbling and dripping. In a good way! Yeah, this is good rain. 7/10

Water Sounds Rain

Artist: Deep Rain Sampling
I guess I’m not into these water sounds. I don’t know…they all sound like showers to me. Definitely not the sea or the ocean.

Softer Rain

Artist: Decidic FX
Low and grumbly. But it needs something. Some spice. Maybe a bird.

🥈Breeze Rain

Artist: Decidic FX
Thin, hard, pointy rain drops. Sidewalk rain. Crisp. Cool. This is refreshing rain!

Light Rain

Artist: Chill Bees
Too much tinkling.

Rain At Dawn

Artist: Chill Bees
This is a downpour! Kind of. I don’t know. A sunshower maybe?

🏆 Thunder and Rain

Artist: Calmsound
Ok, wow, this is something new! This is like…sharp, quick rain. But quiet. Landing on a pond maybe. I like it a lot. Especially since there’s thunder. Growling thunder. Oh, and a bang of thunder. This one is pretty great actually. Perhaps my fave. Very hard to pick a fave, obviously.

In The Forest Rain

Artist: Big Sounds
There is literally nothing special or interesting about this one. I just forgot I was even listening to anything. Which might be the point, I guess…

🥈Rain Sounds: Calm Night

Artist: ASMR Rain Sounds
Too much rain falling on a car roof. But otherwise not bad. This is city rain. Pingy rain. Could use some thunder.

Ohhhhh, damn. Wait for it. There is a fun little surprise in this one! Right at the end. It’s all rain rain rain rain rain and then Boom!
Bird! (Or possibly monkey?)
Well done, well done.

Here’s the whole playlist (not sorted in reverse alphabetical order by artist):



Stella J. McKenna

Mystery woman by day. Writer by night. Hopeless yet unrelenting 24–7. I like to contemplate: love, sex, feelings, quantum physics, and pop music lyrics.