26 Sources Where Inspiration Hides

David Jameson
6 min readFeb 26, 2016


Every person at least once in life experienced the overwhelming feeling. Such emotions give additional strength. Inhabitants call it the sense of a second wind, and creative people associate it with an advent of the Muse. But, unfortunately, new energy visiting us not every day. And then we wondering where to look for the inspiration to realize our next grand idea? It’s simple. If the Muse does not want to come herself — you need to find that sources, where she lives. And this is what we are going to do right now!

Where can I take inspiration?

According to the psychological point of view, inspiration is an emergence of the motivation to any action. Usually, it is expressed in the extraordinary elation, when the person feels a sudden burst of the energy, but his thoughts are clear and consistent. Often, this inner state is called the “insight.” At some point, a brilliant idea and effort to implement it appears in the head.

The modern world is full of worries and concerns. Fatigue and mental devastation cannot give a full turn of the creative thinking. Thus, you have to bump up in a search. Sources of inspiration bring the necessary cheerfulness of the spirit and regain the motivation for the creative activity. Individuals who know a capricious nature of the Muse, have found some methods for themselves and resort to them in the cases of creative crisis. For those who faced such a problem the first time, it is necessary to find out what could be the source of inspiration for them. Let us follow the most efficient and proven ways to become inspired.

Follow the sources of your inspiration to be more productive

Communicate with peers. In my life, I have met many people who inspired me to overcome the new frontiers. I am immensely grateful them. Find your like-minded persons to feel the flow of energy, ideas and support.

Sports. After exercises my mood and feelings are better — bad thoughts leave my head, and oppressed condition leaves the body. And the most important that new ideas come.

Travel. I love this paragraph. The best thoughts come to me in my way. You have your time for the inner dialog when you are traveling. Listen to the silence, and you will hear how your Muse is speaking to you.

Poetry. Take a piece of the paper and note your flying thoughts. Rhyme helps to focus on the objects. Create your poetry, and the inspiration will find you.

• Dancing. It is one of the best ways to feel the freedom of your movements and expressions. Sometimes we need it to relax. Turn on Stevie Wonder or Justin Bieber louder and shake your body like this is your last dance!

Films. There are pictures that I want to watch several times again and again. Experiences of characters, exciting storylines, and unpredictable accidents are the excellent sources of inspiration. To resume your creativity, you can choose two ways — to see the brand new movie and find new emotions there, or you can select your favorite picture and indulge in the pleasant memories. I like good films about the real feelings and strong people.

Music. Motivating music serves as an excellent bridge to the past and can be a reminder of some good events in your life. Regardless of the genre and personal preferences, listening to music can be an excellent occasion for the emergence of inspiration. The quality music can change our inner state very quickly.

• Books. This source of inspiration has been gradually fading into the background. Most of us cannot allow ourselves to acquire such luxury as a book because of the lack of time and the large quantity of the working hours. However, it is necessary to allocate only 15 minutes a day to read one chapter, and you will have a great opportunity to be inspired by the life and adventures of characters, or biography of successful people. Let the book about great people’s life or the philosophy success will always be on your table.

Children. A child’s spontaneity is amazing. Kids are always open to everything new. Just watching them you can learn something original.

Mountains. When you are staying on the mountain, it makes you thinking about eternal and sublime. You are on a top of the World and feeling like life is acquiring the entirely different meaning. It will help you to write something new and fascinating.

Sea. Playful waves of the sea can soothe and fill you with a new substance. The sea keeps a lot of secrets and the tremendous force under its emerald-blue surface.

Love. This feeling is the most powerful thing in our World. All the best (and worst, by the way) was made out of the love of God, society or individual.

Aim. The worthy purpose inspires to overcome difficulties. You are ready to reach the “golden mountains”. Go to your goal and be inspired.

• Successful people. Their example is contagious. Let us say, there was a little boy from some poor family. He was fighting for the better life. Despite all the problems, he went through that “Hell” and became a successful person. After listening such stories, we can find the strength to follow our dreams.

Teachers. We should be grateful to all teachers whom we ever met for the lifetime. The high teacher or guru is a tremendous source of strength, inspiration and knowledge.

Meditation. This practice that will help you to plunge into the inner world and find answers to your questions is the meditation. It needs a little work on it, but if you get a necessary condition, you will meet the source of new ideas, feelings, solutions. It is recommended to everyone.

Experience. When life gives us “tests” on the shutter speed, we become better, smarter, cooler. Overcoming a “top” we are inspired to conquer the new one.

New projects. Hard projects can check your strength, and it inspires indeed. What can bring to the life more efficient than an accepted challenge?

The change of scenery and the diversity of life. The new situation is a unique source of inspiration for any poet, writer, artist, and other members of the creative environment. Sooner or later, any activity can become a routine. To avoid this, try at least once a month to do something new — to visit CES 2017, to play Sumotori Dreams, to write in Write!, to read in Cool Reader, and do everything to get new experiences. It will help you to escape the routine.

Quotes. Wise thoughts of great people that were left us until our days is a concentrate of the wisdom and inspiration. Be enthusiastic with great quotes.

Painting. The excellent written work is a novel in paints. Use your imagination to create the real picture then you will see your story in colors.

Theatre. The actors’ reincarnation surprises and inspires.

Humor. A good humor makes life brighter. Do not deny yourself the pleasure to laugh.

Nature. Communicating with nature, especially being in those places where civilization has not reached, you will get the inexhaustible fount of creativity. Also, fresh air is useful not only for your physical health but also for the mental one.

• Animals. Pets cause openness and spontaneity. Сaress your animals to relax and to not worry. Fresh ideas will find you.

Team. A strength of the teamwork inspired by the fact that 1 + 1 = “3”, or even maybe “100”.

There are different sources of inspiration around us. Every creative person needs to recharge own potential. So, in this post, you have read about the methods of how to stay inspired in any situation. The main thing is to choose the source which suits you. Try all of the methods being inspired and make your decision.



David Jameson

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.