David Jameson
3 min readFeb 12, 2016

7 Things To Consider To Become an Outstanding Writer

Are you inspired enough to jump over your head, dude? Read it!

There are no bad writers in the World! There are questions in the writing activity that requires working on them. These 7 “magic” lessons will help you to improve your writing skills. Forget about the creative stupor!


Word is a primary tool. The more words you have in your “baggage”, the easier to express ideas. Bring the depth of your thoughts to readers in the attractive form.

Let’s take a tree. How can you describe it? “There is a tree in the courtyard. It is green.” But it is possible to represent it a different way. For example, “A mysterious wooden creation of nature spread out its branches wide, warmly inviting to have a rest from the scorching sun. Emerald leaves were whispering to each other softly when the playful breeze kissed them.”

No matter how much your lexicon is rich. You should replenish it every day. How? You have to read a lot, and you have to be interested in many things around. You even can grab a guide to the quantum physics or theoretical mechanics and start reading an entirely new information.

What to write?

“Any product has its buyer.” You can write on your favorite topic if it finds a response in your heart. From “99 ways of how to cook noodles” and to the “1 simple way of how to permanently damage the impression for 3 seconds.” Do not be confused about themes that can be absurd to someone. You are the big Boss! OK? The quality of your work depends on you.

Details are important

Tell your audience in the smallest details what size of feet has the representative of an alien environment. Or how it smells from his mouth. Convey to the readership some vivid emotions and feelings. “A wife of the cousin’s grandfather whose relationships were broken dropped one million tears. Two trains with handkerchiefs were used by the sad woman.” Let your readers laugh or mourn with the main characters together.


Feel your story! Put the exclamation marks when you are angry, “I will kill you!”. Pay attention to the critical moments in the story, “What a twist!”. When you are wondering, “How could you?!” Keep the intrigue with the dots’ help, “The fun has just begun …”

The absence of emotion is useful when you are visiting a tax administration! But be yourself in your books, articles, novels, etc.

Give the readers a sharp emotional background!!!

Crafting tools

Pay your attention to the tools that you are using. Do it! The operating system (Linux or Windows), a keyboard (Microsoft or Logitech), a text editor (Write! Or Word), or a chair you are sitting on (Richmond or AFW) — you have to be comfortable with your “little assistants”. Are you?

The barber picks up scissors for his Hand, and the chef buys a cap for his Head. Use those devices that were created exactly For You!

Be consistent

Your story must have a logic — the storyline. You may describe actions “under any sauce”. But they should be consistent. You cannot write, “Mr. Jackson was born a healthy boy, but he died of cancer. Let us talk about the family values of ​​Mr. Jackson?” The ongoing situation in your text should have an intuitive nature for the reader. Help him navigates comfortably in what is happening, but not to think until the end of the story, “Hey, why Mr. Jackson died of cancer when everything was going well?”

Write a lot! Have a practice every day! Never stop! Have breakfast every morning! Increase your productivity and improve your writing skills! The World is waiting for its hero!

David Jameson

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.