How to Become a Successful and Productive Writer

David Jameson
4 min readFeb 11, 2016


I was often asked what I want to be in the future. In the provision of answers to the standard question, I had different variants: from a seller to a doctor. Now I cannot imagine how could I be someone else other than a writer? BUT the question is HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL WRITER?

Work Hard

Work ennobles a person. Work produced in large quantities turns a person into a professional. It does not matter how many papers a day you are able to write. It does not affect the result. It is necessary to write every day to hone your skills. Be hardworking!

Success Does Not Tolerate Haste

It is necessary to organize your work in a way you could escape the hostage and save your mind in a good health. You have to enjoy your life. Someone said, “Even if you win in the rat race, you remain a rat.” When we slow down, our priorities become more pronounced. If you are busy more than you want, do not try to rearrange your schedule. Keep calm and focus on the present moment.

Be Offline

Forget about calls (they can be forwarded to the voice mailbox), and the Internet. It is important to understand that our communication habits do not make us happier or more productive. You need a minimally distracting atmosphere. Be offline as long as you need. First of all, you have to do your important work, and only then answer your letters, messages, and phone calls. Be proactive, but not reactive. Also, forget about social networks, because they distract and inhibit any work.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is not efficient.There is a great chance to lose productivity by performing many tasks simultaneously. You have to be concentrated on the important goal for yourself and do your job in an “adequate mode”. Inform your colleagues, relatives, and friends that you are busy and you cannot be distracted. They will not get mad when they see your final results.

Do It!

There is a typical situation in any American detective. The main character tries to get the gun out of the holster during the first half of the picture, and the second half of the same film he cannot shoot the enemy. Have you noticed how a hero-cop holds the scoundrel at the gunpoint all this time? He delays the final moment! He is waiting and waiting! And we are sitting in front of TVs and thinking: “God Dear, do it!”. Yes, this is a film created in the best traditions of the drama. But as my grandfather said, “If you take a gun — shoot.” Do not put out and hide, put out and hide, and again put out and hide your weapon. Never hide it, if you have already set a goal. So, when you are going to sit down at the keyboard and start typing your masterpiece, bring the work to the logical end. Be organized and purposeful.

Take Criticism With a Gratitude

All people are sitting on the tip of the recognition. We are waiting to be patted on the shoulder with words, “You are a cool guy!”. The criticism is not what we want to hear, but it’s probably one of the most powerful tools to improve a self-quality. This “tool” should push a person forward. Believe, there is still what to improve. Every day try to be better than yesterday.


It doesn’t matter what conditions you have to create to make your productivity higher. The main idea is you have to be comfortable. You may write your articles in McDonald’s or at home. You can type your texts at a breakneck pace in any text editor you like. Do it during your sport activity or in the middle of the night. Be free and enjoy the benefits of civilization if it makes your work more efficient.

My advice was based on the personal experience and desire to help all creative people. Let every writer invent a formula of success for themselves and share their knowledge with the followers.



David Jameson

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.