The Law of Detachment: The Beginners Guide to Emotional Freedom and Letting Go

Use the Law of Detachment to save valuable time and improve your future.

Charlotte Dawson
4 min readMar 13, 2023
Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

The Law of Detachment is something I wish I had learnt sooner.

As a very highly sensitive emotional person, learning how to detach from things when they aren't serving me, or just being able to have the detachment mindset would have saved me A LOT of heartaches.

It would have allowed me to better understand what is meant for me in this world, and how to trust in the universe to push me along the right path.

Anyway, I don't need to talk anymore about why I needed to learn this, here's what you need to know for a beginner in the Law of Detachment.

✨ What is The Law of Detachment?

It’s the ability to release the attachment to what we desire, to allow our minds and the universe to manifest what it is we truly desire.

Learning to detach yourself from emotions and feelings can prove difficult, especially if you are someone who constantly thinks about the future and always wants something that may or may not be true.

By releasing attachments to the outcomes we wish for, we have a better chance of manifesting this to be true.

Not only that but by detaching we can also learn how to accept what happens, good or bad, for what it is. We can understand that maybe this thing hasn't worked out because it was not meant for us and was always supposed to come to an end.

If you're someone who meets someone and instantly plans your wedding after the third date, then you must learn to detach, because when you DON’T end up getting married, your emotions are hurt and you feel like sh**.

Now I'm not saying you can never dream or think like this. But RELEASING this desire into the universe gives you a better chance of both healing faster and accepting what comes, or actually manifesting it to be true.

EITHER WAY, the common ground here is that for whatever the outcome is, you will be okay.

You need to trust and release, rather than try to force and control. When you no longer obsess over the outcome, you allow yourself to be open to endless possibilities.

🤍 How to Practice the Law of Detachment

Follow these steps to begin learning how to detach, release your wishes and truly learn how to live freely.

  1. 🙅🏻‍♀️Start detaching yourself from everything, slowly.

Now don’t take that in a morbid ‘everything comes to an end’ mentality. Simply take it as releasing expectations from yourself and other people, because you truly do not know what's going to happen. By detaching you are open to endless possibilities and can prepare yourself to face whatever outcome comes your way.

2. 🌿 Release the need to control.

You cannot control what externally happens to you. You can only control how you act, feel, speak and so on… Stop trying to control the outcomes of situations that are not set in stone.
For example, you do know that if you're not drinking enough water you will become dehydrated. But you do not know the outcome of meeting this person for a date. So let go.

3. ⚡️ Be open to different possibilities.

You truly have no idea what's going to happen a year from now. One day you could be sitting in your parent's house, the next getting a one-way ticket to live in another country.
You can't predict every single factor of your life, so let things happen how they should and enjoy the ride. You also need to learn that you can in fact learn something new, you can adapt and change accordingly depending on what happens, and you WILL be ok.

🧘‍♀️ When to use the Law of Detachment

Start using the Law of Detachment once you've finished reading this article.

No, seriously.

Maybe you're here because you have found yourself right at rock bottom, something in your life has come to an end or you've found yourself in a really rubbish situation.

Now is the best time. In fact, now is the MOST exciting time for you.

  • Release and let go.
  • Detach from what happened and slowly learn to accept it for what it is.
  • Stop overthinking or trying to track back and revert to what has occurred.
  • The only thing to do is move forward, detach, release and trust.

Useful videos ⬇️

So, have you mastered the Law of Detachment? Or are you starting your journey to emotional freedom and trusting the universe?

Whatever your answer is give me a follow and share it with your friends.

Thank you x

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🙋🏻‍♀️ Did you know I’m a freelance writer? I write blog posts and social copy for health, wellness and lifestyle businesses/brands.
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Charlotte Dawson

✨ Sharing health, wellness and lifestyle content ✨ I also freelance write! Get in touch or send me an email at